The cost of studying at an American college or university is tens of thousands of dollars per year. Therefore, in order to obtain higher education in the United States, students and their parents often go into debt, which they then have to pay off over decades. ForumDaily studied the features of providing financial assistance...
Many Holocaust survivors say that the war in Ukraine reminded them of the horrors they went through. On the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27, the Center for Survivors of the Jewish Federations of North America announced grants for…
There are many competitions and grants abroad for those who want to learn new things or improve their skills. Through these programs, you can find an internship, study course, or do your own scientific research, according to WE. TechGirl A US government program for young girls…
The State Department commented on the statement of the Russian embassy in connection with the announcement of a grant for the preparation of a report on Russian campaigns, writes Voice of America. Warning the international community about the threats posed by Russia's repeated attempts to exploit public health concerns to spread disinformation and propaganda is an important element...
The state of Vermont has passed a new law that will force workers to move there and work remotely. Gov. Phil Scott signed the bill on Wednesday, May 30th. Employees who meet certain requirements can receive from $ 5000 per year, but not more than $ 10 for two ...
He was invited to work as one of the twelve best candidates from around the world - physicist and programmer Ustin Zarubin. His wife Yulia Zarubina is a stylish photographer and mother of two. Their American history began in the small town of Chattanooga. Ustin ...
The Carnegie Corporation charitable organization has provided a $ 1 million grant to establish a new Center for Russian Research. This center will operate at Indiana University. The Institute of Russian East European Studies operates in the educational institution. A new center will be created on its basis, the university administration reports. ...
The Night Wolves motorcycle club received a presidential grant of 9 million rubles ($ 150) to organize Christmas trees. "The action recreates the atmosphere of a Russian folk tale ... The historical and spiritual heritage of the Russian people, today's problems of Russia are taught in a fabulous, and therefore understandable for children, manner," says the description of the motorcycle club project. "Night ...
The Russian Prosecutor General's Office has recognized the Open Society and the Assistance Foundation of the American billionaire George Soros as undesirable organizations. The Prosecutor General's Office found that the activities of these organizations pose a threat to the constitutional order of Russia. The decision to declare organizations undesirable was submitted to the Russian Ministry of Justice. Charitable foundations founded by George Soros were previously donated ...
Four American Jews received a prestigious grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. This is 46-year-old Marina Rustow, a Princeton University historian who studies Jewish life in the Middle East during the Middle Ages. Professor of Brooklyn College, 36-year-old writer Ben Lerner, ...