A rare sight: a super blue moon will rise in the sky over the USA

On Wednesday, August 30, a particularly rare celestial event will occur—a super blue moon will rise. Not only will it change color, but it will also appear significantly larger than usual. In general, it will seem that it has become larger, because the satellite will be closest to ours...

In August, we are waiting for a double supermoon: when and where to watch

The sky in August offers something special. A couple of supermoons await us, culminating in a rare Blue Moon, reports the Independent. There will be a supermoon on August 1st. This term refers to the phenomenon when the full moon is at its closest point to the Earth. In this moment…

Residents of the United States will be able to observe the real 'blue moon': what is this phenomenon

The full moon on Sunday, August 22nd will be the "blue moon" according to the original, but not the most popular, definition of the phrase. The edition of Sky and Telescope told in more detail. In modern usage, the "blue moon" began to denote the second full moon in a month (the last of them occurred on October 31 ...

A rare celestial phenomenon: why Halloween this year will be spookier than usual

The traditional spooky season will be even spookier this year! Not only will we have a full moon on Halloween, but it will also be unusual - a rare “blue moon” will rise in the sky, writes CNN. The night sky on Halloween will be lit up "blue...

From the Blue Moon to the Cosmic Kiss: The Most Anticipated Astronomical Phenomena of 2020

2020 promises unforgettable spectacles for professional astronomers and simply those who like to gaze at the night sky around the world, writes the BBC. In fact, in 12 months we will see 13 full moons, several supermoons, one “blue moon”, a kiss of planets, impressive starfalls...

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