How not to miss ForumDaily news that affects your life

Twice a week, the editors of the ForumDaily website send out letters to its subscribers in which we talk about how to spend the weekend interestingly, and also sum up the main results of the week. Our job is to inform you! We try to talk about things that concern everyone...

SVET Media Group starts cooperation with ForumDaily: now all Russian speakers in the USA will definitely see your ad

For more than 30 years, SVET Media Group, one of the largest American advertising agencies focused on the Russian-speaking market, has been providing high-quality and effective advertising and information services. And now we want to multiply our experience to scale to achieve even more...

Site ForumDaily has reached a million views in a month

For the period from April 15 to May 15, has collected over 1 million views. The corresponding data is provided by the Alexa Internet company, which keeps statistics of website traffic on the Internet. Thus, ForumDaily, telling about the main events of the USA, stories of successful immigration and ...

The main events of the week from ForumDaily (March 11-18)

The United States is simplifying the issuance of work visas, Vladimir Putin has withdrawn Russian troops from Syria, and the Ukrainian prosecutor's office is looking for those who stole an American grant for its reform. Another week of March has passed, which means that the deadline for filing tax returns is approaching. ForumDaily advises how it is best ...

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