A nuclear arsenal near Kiev and an alien president: how 2022 was presented in cinema

A nuclear arsenal near Kiev and a military coup in Ukraine, options for the development of a pandemic and constant fantasies about space exploration. The authors of science fiction films that made predictions for 2022 often contradict each other, but agree that not everything is moving in the right direction, reports ...

Frightening prophecies: 6 ideas from dystopias embodied in reality

The essence of dystopia is to show what attempts to build an ideal world with strict rules and restrictions can lead to. These stories sometimes seem absurd and grotesque, and sometimes frighteningly prophetic. Lifehacker tells what has already been implemented. 1. Social rating In the first...

Lockdown, isolation and the Internet: how a science fiction writer predicted the future 100 years ago

BBC arts and culture commentator Will Gompertz talks about an amazing 1909 book his wife read that is “breathtakingly, breathtakingly accurate” and describes our lives during lockdown in 2020. Next - from the first person. My wife recently...

Isaac Asimov: American writer from the USSR, who changed the world

Isaac Asimov, one of the greatest science fiction writers of the 20th century, came to America as a family immigrant. In fact, it became part of a process that is now called “chain migration.” Asimov revolutionized the world of science fiction, and in many ways, the rest of the world. His literature is being studied...

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