Vladimir Zelensky topped the ranking of the most influential Jews in the world

The Jerusalem Post newspaper awarded Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky first place in its annual ranking of “the most influential Jews in the world.” “Few political leaders have risen to icon status, but Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has become one of them this year,”...

Seven years of searching: how a Russian-speaking Jew in the USA invented a vaccine that saved millions of children

Jonas Salk is the man who saved childhood. The mad scientist, fanatic who invented the world's first polio vaccine, believed in his work so much that he vaccinated himself and his three children with the experimental vaccine, reports Isralove. Millions of mothers around the world know this...

Walk of Fame for Jewish actors: on Jewish theaters in Manhattan and the tragic fate of the restaurateur Abe Lebevol

I came across this Walk of Fame by accident. I popped in on business at Chase Bank on Second Avenue and suddenly, on the way out, right under my feet I found two rows of tiles with the image of red five-pointed stars and signatures on them. The bank explained that ...

A blow to the back of the head: in New York again an act of anti-Semitism is being investigated. VIDEO

On the street of Williamsburg, an unidentified person attacked a Jew, wounding him in the back of the head. The incident was caught on video and became the second hate crime in the area. The victim, dressed in traditional Jewish clothes, was walking along Rodney Street on Marcy Avenue when an unknown person crept up on him ...

In New York, a teenager was arrested who beat a man in Jewish dress with a stick. VIDEO

A teenager who attacked an Orthodox Jew in Brooklyn was arrested and charged with a hate crime. CCTV cameras recorded a man in traditional clothes running into a dry cleaning building, fleeing a guy who beat him with a tree branch. “She [stick-ed. ForumDaily] scattered ...

As a prisoner of Auschwitz became the personal tailor of US presidents

“A man is often judged by his appearance,” wrote Shakespeare in Hamlet. Clothes undoubtedly defined the fate of master tailor Martin Greenfield, who survived the Holocaust and measured presidents at the White House to create his signature handmade suits. The number A4406 was tattooed on...

Hitleryung Solomon: a Jew who convinced the fascists that he was German

The book “Hitlerjunge Solomon” was published in Russia, written by Solomon Perel, who in 1941 in Minsk managed to convince the fascists that he was an ethnic German. 16-year-old Jewish teenager Shlomo from Grodno was captured by the Nazis. According to Perel, the Germans believed him because...

Israeli businessman shot in downtown Moscow

In the center of Moscow, on Seleznevskaya Street, an unknown attacker shot Israeli businessman Vladimir Kriman with a pistol. According to the website LifeNews, the incident occurred on Monday afternoon at the building of the Moscow Regional Arbitration Court. Israeli citizen Vladimir Kriman and his lawyer left ...

In Germany they offer to “rent a Jew” to destroy stereotypes

The German website, which is run by the Jewish organization Europäische Janusz Korczak Akademie, deciding to end the rampant anti-Semitism in the country once and for all, invites all interested parties to hire a Jew to get answers to any questions of interest on Jewish topics. The new project is so ...

A Jew from Toronto identified himself in a photo from a concentration camp

Toronto resident Yehuda Danzig identified himself in an April 1945 photo taken at the Nazi concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen shortly after its liberation. A snapshot of 12-year-old Yehuda and his younger brother Mikhail, posted on the Times of Israel news portal, turned out to be ...

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