In the United States recorded the first death from smoking electronic cigarettes

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims one of the patients died due to severe respiratory illness due to vaping. This is the first officially recognized death of this kind in the United States, according to The babel. Experts are investigating a mysterious lung disease associated with e-cigarette use. ...

Smoked from 8 class: a teenager from Texas almost died due to electronic cigarettes

A teenager from Texas who smoked electronic cigarettes since grade 8 almost died due to his addiction. Writes about this New York Post. Tristan Zohveld, 17, was admitted to the Cook Children's Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas. He was placed in the intensive care unit ...

Research: vapes cause smoker's circulatory changes from first use

Smoking e-cigarettes causes changes in the blood vessels from the first use. This statement was made by researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Writes about this RTVI. Using an MRI scan, the researchers found that after just one use of an e-cigarette, ...

'Consequences not studied': over 120 people in 15 states get sick due to electronic cigarettes

More than 15 cases of lung disease or health problems have been identified in at least 120 states that may be associated with e-cigarette smoking, according to the state health department. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said they were investigating severe ...

More 20 people in the USA are hospitalized due to electronic cigarettes

22 people in the Midwest have been hospitalized with severe breathing difficulties associated with e-cigarettes and doctors do not know the exact cause. Writes about this NBS News. It is not clear what exactly the patients (many of whom are young people) inhaled or what devices ...

San Francisco became the first city in the United States to ban electronic cigarettes

The authorities of San Francisco (California) on June 25 passed in the second reading a bill banning the sale of any electronic cigarettes in the city. Thus, San Francisco became the first city in the United States to introduce such a ban, writes TJ. According to the adopted document, it will be prohibited on the territory of the metropolis ...

San Francisco will ban electronic cigarettes completely

San Francisco, California, will be the first major US city to completely ban e-cigarettes. This became possible after the Supervisory Board of San Francisco unanimously voted in favor of the relevant resolution on June 18. A final vote on this measure is expected next week. Observant…

San Francisco wants to ban the sale of electronic cigarettes

Two San Francisco officials on March 19 put forward a new bill that proposes to ban the sale of e-cigarettes in the city until the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducts research to assess their impact on public ...

In New York, plan to impose a ban on electronic cigarettes at work and in bars

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo plans to sign legislation on Oct.23 to ban the use of e-cigarettes in most restaurants, bars and state offices. The state parliament approved the corresponding bill in June 2017, writes The New York Daily News. “Electronic cigarettes are being sold ...

In Oregon, a child drank e-liquid instead of medicine

The case in Oregon with a 6-year-old child once again proves that children who are exposed to their toxic effects in one way or another suffer from the spread of electronic cigarettes. When a 6-year-old girl sprained her ankle in Oregon, her father gave her 10 ml for pain relief ...

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