What debts you will never forgive in the United States, even if you declare yourself bankrupt

Declaring bankruptcy can potentially protect a person facing serious debt and financial difficulties from creditors. Therefore, bankruptcy can be a salvation for a drowning man, but it is important to understand that this procedure has its limitations, explains The Simple Dollar. First, bankruptcy can ...

Everything you need to know about bankruptcy in the USA: what debts will be written off, what will not, and what will happen to the property taken on credit

Bankruptcy is a powerful tool for debtors, but it does not solve all problems. What happens when you file for bankruptcy and how bankruptcy can help you improve your financial situation, NOLO explained. When faced with financial difficulties, it is important to know what is happening in…

Your state may owe you a large amount of money: how to get it

Do you need extra money? There is a way to get them. This is not a gimmick, and there are no tricky conditions here. The state you live in could owe you money—and you don't even know it. For example, only Florida has 2,3...

Death and debts: what debts of Americans fall on the shoulders of their heirs

What you need to know about paying off a loved one's debt after their death, MoneyTalksNews reports. “It was less than a week after my husband died when we received the first call from a debt collector. We didn't have any credit cards or loans, but we had a few...

Now collectors in the USA have the right to write to you about debts through social networks

Debt collectors have many ways to contact you, but now the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has added one more for them: social media. USA Today spoke about this in more detail. Don't worry, debt collectors won't be able to comment on your posts...

Take now, pay later: half of Americans buy Christmas gifts on credit

Americans are spending a little less this holiday season, but still more, than they can afford. This makes them go into debt. Writes about this CNBC. The total spending on Black Friday both in stores and on the internet is a little ...

Three ways to clean up your credit history

Your credit history deteriorates as soon as you have the first debt on the undertaken obligation, and worsens after your debt is resold to a collection company. You can improve the situation somewhat by paying off your receivables, writes Nerdwallet. Accounts receivable usually ...

NYT: creditors wrote off Trump $ 270 million in outstanding debts

Donald Trump has been written off more than $ 270 million in debt since 2010 after he was unable to pay creditors money to build a skyscraper in Chicago, The New York Times reported October 27. The Times' analysis of Trump's tax reports shows ...

How American States' Debt Affects the Lives of Their Populations: An Overview

The USA has 50 independent states. We call them states. Every year an analysis is carried out to determine in which states life is better, safer and where there is more confidence in the future. For example, if a state has a reserve fund, then in case of disaster, flood, devastation...

In New York, stop collecting debt from non-native English speakers

New York is home to about two million people with limited English proficiency. Debt collection agencies take advantage of this and use deceptive methods to collect debts from them. Now this practice will stop. This is stated in a press release from the Department of Rights Protection ...

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