The family of Americans who have adopted the girl will have to return her home

A federal judge in Kansas ruled that a South Korean teenage girl adopted by her aunt and uncle in Kansas would have to leave the country immediately after graduating from college due to a discrepancy between state and immigration laws regarding the child's age at the time of adoption. Heibin ...

The organization will pay $ 38 fine for selling ID cards to 'protect' from deportation

An immigrant rights organization must pay a $ 38 fine for selling cards offering protection against deportation for undocumented immigrants, an administrative judge said Monday. Nonprofit A New Beginning for Immigrants Rights ...

A deaf-and-dumb immigrant who has lived 34 in the United States is deported from the country

Born and raised in Nigeria, Francis Anwana was only 14 years old when he came to the United States on a student visa. The teenager was deaf, unable to speak, and had cognitive disabilities when he was enrolled in the Michigan School for the Deaf in Flint. ...

The new law will facilitate the deportation of immigrants from the United States

The US House of Representatives has passed a bill that will make it easier for the federal government to deport violent immigrants. The draft law clarifies what such a crime is, with reference to a previous act in which the Supreme Court gave a more vague description of the concept. Previous law ...

New Yorker wants to be deported a week before receiving a green card

Immigrant Karina Bailon, 32, from Queens, who lives in New York with her husband and three young children, is close to becoming a permanent resident of the United States, but now fears she could be deported at any moment and separated from her family. "I don't feel...

The judge ordered the plane to turn around and bring back to the US deported immigrants

After learning that the Trump administration had unexpectedly deported a mother and daughter whose asylum case was due to be heard that day, a US federal judge ordered the woman and child back to the United States without getting them off the plane at ...

One-way ticket: how illegal immigrants are deported from the US

CNN report from Alexandria, Louisiana, translated by ForumDaily. On the runway, the men line up one at a time. Chains around their ankles clink with each step, almost drowning out the roar of the plane's engines. Some men wear sneakers without laces. Others ...

Three stories of our immigrants who were imprisoned in the USA for illegal immigrants

President Donald Trump, as promised during the election campaign, has launched a massive fight against illegal immigration. In the United States, according to The Washington Post, there are now about 11 million illegal immigrants. Anyone can go to jail: if earlier only those who committed ...

How the US deports illegal immigrants: a step-by-step procedure

Individuals accused of illegally crossing the US state border go through a lengthy legal process from court hearings. Subsequently, they can either be deported or released. As a rule, the process begins with an arrest, USA Today reports. In the USA - 11,1 million The estimated number is ...

Your Rights: 10 Important Tips from the US Immigrant Protection Service

Following Donald Trump's new immigration decrees, many human rights groups have announced the protection of those who have come under the so-called presidential instructions. Very often immigrants do not know about their rights, so decided to issue a special memo. She will help all visitors ...

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