A company offering jobs for immigrants is among the fastest growing firms in the US

Trucking is one of the rare opportunities to get a job in the United States with decent pay and good prospects without long and expensive training. Moreover, according to the American Truck Association, the demand for truck drivers will only increase over the years. Therefore…

An important and promising profession: why truckers are respected and valued in the USA

The United States economy relies heavily on truckers. Statistics show that trucking companies make 71% of all cargo transportation in the country. Almost 6% of all full-time jobs are in this industry, and this figure, according to experts, will only grow. IN…

Note to immigrants: in the US there is a catastrophic shortage of truckers

The United States has been experiencing a shortage of truck drivers for quite a long time, which will only increase over the years, according to analytical data provided by the American Truck Association. If in 2005 the market lacked about 20 thousand drivers, then already ...

The most important thing for truck drivers: convenient schedule and high income

Where to start a new life in a new country - this question arises before every immigrant leaving the American airport. It is believed that getting a job with a high salary without long training or complex retraining is unrealistic. However, our today's hero completely refutes this ...

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