Millions of schoolchildren in the USA cannot read: what is the shortcoming of the American education system

Some students learn to read easily and naturally, while for others it is a painful process that, if left unaddressed, can lead to long-term learning problems. Millions of children have difficulty reading, and this problem has been plaguing the United States for several...

Personal experience: what is a library in America

I don’t know how you feel about libraries, but I have strongly disliked them all my adult life. Semi-dark halls smelling of perennial dust, unkind employees with low wages. Even 5 university years could not change my attitude. And then we moved to New York. One day children ...

Without pressure and criticism: how dogs help children learn to read

Let's face it, the fear of "failure" (the laughter, judgment, and criticism that may come with it) is human. For some students, reading aloud in front of a class or teacher can cause overwhelming pressure. Even the smallest mistake can lead to embarrassment and undermine...

10 funny books that will make quarantine laugh heartily

Quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic is not a reason to be sad or depressed. To avoid getting bored at home, you can, for example, read something interesting. Lifehacker offers 10 books that will cheer you up. Read, smile and distract yourself from anxious thoughts. "33 best humorous stories",...

Book Clubs and Libraries: What and How to Read in the USA

The book by former FBI director James Comey found more than half a million buyers in its first week. Interestingly, the book was sold from the first days at a 30% discount, at a cost of $ 30 - this is a significant motivation to buy. In America, they generally like memoirs - ...

Read as president: what books are advised by Trump and Obama

One of them is a famous book fan; the other is a much bigger fan of Fox News and late-night cable television. Yet both President Trump and Barack Obama have one thing in common when it comes to literature: their desire to recommend books...

Why are American pediatricians advised to read the child out loud from the first days of life

Quite a few recent studies support a direct link between reading success and success in school and even later in the workplace. Therefore, one of the most important aspects of early childhood development is the formation of skills that precede reading and writing. Even before the child ...

Dogs help New York students learn English

As you know, a dog is a man's best friend. Four-legged companions today also serve as guides, rescuers, guards and bomb cleaners. Recently, the canine resume has expanded to include another useful skill - child therapy. A dog can be the best companion for a child. AND…

In the subway of New York you can now download books for free.

New York City authorities continue to build Wi-Fi into the metro to provide Internet access to passengers while on the subway. Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo presented the Subway Reads program, in which everyone can read 5 adapted works of classics, in ...

How a fairy tale can raise a child

  Where do fairy tales come from today? They are composed by dads and moms, grandmothers and grandfathers, brothers and sisters. Hedgehog Andryusha "was born" a very long time ago, at that distant time, when I myself was about five years old. Instead of "Cinderella" and "Little Red Riding Hood" ...

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