7 things you can get for free in November

November can literally be called sweet, given the number of discounts this month. Money Talks News has collected several free offers this month. 1. Free Disney + Subscription Starting November 12 Another streaming service launches in November -…

8 free stuff available in September across America

September brings breezy winds, colorful landscapes, knitted sweaters, and plenty of exciting freebies. This month you can take advantage of the ideas and get a lot of interesting things completely free of charge - that is, for nothing, from complimentary chicken nuggets to free entry to...

Cosmetics, sweets, vitamins: 18 sites with free products

Many websites and retail chains offer their customers loyalty programs and discount cards. However, there are many companies that are ready to give away their goods completely free of charge, also as part of promotions. The Penny Hoarder has compiled a list of sites where you can get...

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