10 little-known places in Florida where you can survive the summer heat

Florida's hot summer doesn't mean you have to spend all three months in an air-conditioned apartment. Florida has a ton of places to ride out the heat and have fun. Below we offer you a list of pools and beaches. 1. The Venetian Pool, Coral Gables In ...

Three-year-old twins tragically drowned in the yard of a house in Long Island

The three-year-old twins drowned in the pool of a private home in Long Island, New York, after sneaking out into the backyard of the house while their mother slept. Sue Aurilia woke up around 8:30 am and did not find her babies, Anthony and Nicholas. She asked ...

How swimming pools and tennis courts can be free: an example of the American capital

Washington, a city with politics running through its veins with the White House, Congress, banks, think tanks and incredible museums, surprised me in a different way. The city surprised me with something I didn’t expect from it at all - sports, especially the free opportunity to play sports. When…

Xnumx free pools in new york

Summer is moving towards the middle. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity this time of year to go to the resort or soak up a sun lounger by the pool. But all New Yorkers, without exception, can afford to head to one of 5 free swimming pools that ...

Doctors warn about the dangers of swimming in public pools

Doctors warn parents about outbreaks of diarrhea associated with the parasite of cryptosporidium in swimming pools and water parks, which have increased at least 2 times in 2 years. Writes about this edition USA Today. According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a parasite that ...

Most US public swimming pools are unsafe.

Центр по контролю и профилактике заболеваний США сообщает, что почти 80% общественных бассейнов страны не соответствуют санитарным нормам  и представляют опасность для посетителей. Данные центра базируются на анализах, взятых в общественных бассейнах штата Калифорния, Аризона, Техас, Флорида и Нью-Йорк —…

Arizona resident made an offer in a shark pool

The keeper of the fish in the Arizona aquarium surprised his girlfriend with an original marriage proposal. He asked her consent in the shark pool. Evan, a Sea Life aquarium worker in Tempe, reached out to colleagues for help. His girlfriend Jessica was supposed to ...

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