There is no one-size-fits-all recipe for restoring a credit rating; the duration of this process and the steps to be taken will depend on each specific case. Of course, it is much easier to fix the consequences of a couple of late payments than to restore the reputation of a borrower with huge debts, payments on ...
If you want to borrow money, and not buy a house or a car, your debt is not guaranteed by anything, so banks are more careful in such decisions. In such cases, banks consider many different criteria that influence their final verdict. ...
Columbus Day is traditionally celebrated on the second Monday in October in the United States; in 2016, this holiday fell on October 10. Three-day long weekends usually involve additional costs or the need to carry cash to pay for outdoor activities and entertainment. Besides,…
Carol Mahr, 81, Minnesota resident, claims that her card was withdrawn several times after she signed up for a single payment as a donation to Hillary Clinton's campaign treasury. The woman's son Roger, who works as a lawyer, filed a complaint against ...
Starting today, September 12, any Israeli citizen can easily obtain information about so-called “dormant” accounts related to family members, living or deceased. The Bank of Israel has opened a website where you can get information about possible “dormant accounts” in…
According to The Wall Street Journal, Apple is currently holding business meetings with major American financial institutions, including JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Capital One Financial and US Bancorp. The purpose of these meetings is reported to be ...
Buying real estate in America is a complex and sometimes confusing process. Here's just one caveat: even if you are willing to pay the amount that the seller wants to receive, this does not mean that you will be able to buy a home. “Forum” talks about all the pitfalls of purchasing...
Pensioners from Russia living outside the country, due to the change in the rules for receiving payments, encountered difficulties both in obtaining pensions under Russian law and foreign benefits. Since 2015, the payment to "new" pensioners (the pension has been assigned since January 1), as well as to those who retired earlier, but only issued it this year ...
Deutsche Bank may pay the US authorities $ 200 million as part of a Justice Department investigation into a possible violation of the sanctions against Russia. Bloomberg writes about this with reference to a source familiar with the course of the case. New York City Financial Services Authority (DFS) and the Federal Reserve System (FRS) ...
Every Russian immigrant to the United States will have to build a good credit history, even those who never plan to take out loans. ForumDaily understood the nuances - why a credit rating is important for all aspects of life, how to get your first credit card and how to “clear” ...