Scientists have identified the most dangerous drink

If you have tried fresh milk at least once in your life, pasteurized milk will seem to you a pathetic imitation. Fresh milk is sweeter and tastier, it has a pleasant smell, but it can hardly be called healthy. Although fresh milk reduces the symptoms of hay fever, asthma and eczema ...

Carnivorous bacteria from Florida waters “ate” a young man

26-year-old Florida resident Cason Yeager died after contracting carnivorous bacteria while swimming near the Florida coast. Cason Yeager swam south of Pine Island Beach in the Wicki Wachi River. The guy was previously diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder ...

On the beaches of Florida, carnivorous bacteria appeared

On some beaches in Florida, the carnivorous bacteria Vibrio vulnificus, dangerous to humans, have appeared. Local residents and visitors are warned about this by the state authorities. Since the beginning of 2015, seven cases of human infection with this bacterium have already been registered. Of these, two people died. Her danger ...

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