How a landlord can violate your rights, and what to do

Renting a new apartment can be an exciting experience or it can present its own set of challenges. The landlord's only goal is to make money. Therefore, if he violates your rights and makes your life in the apartment unbearable, then you have leverage that will help change the situation...

Homeowner shoots young couple after arguing over rent

In Hamilton, Canada, a landlord shot and killed a young tenant couple who were soon to be married. The suspect barricaded himself in the house and died in a shootout with police, according to NBCNews. Hamilton police received a call at approximately 17:40 p.m. on May 27 in the evening. When Hamilton police officers...

In Colorado, a landlord will pay $ 675 thousand for refusing to rent a room to Muslims

In Denver, Colorado, landlord Katina Gatchis, who refused to rent out premises for a restaurant to a Muslim family, will pay $ 675 as part of an amicable settlement, RTVI writes. Rashad Khan and his father Zuned were looking for a place for a family Indian restaurant in Denver and found ...

'New York's worst landlord' faces 20 charges

Multimillionaire Stephen Croman, who is on the so-called list of "worst landlords in New York", could go to jail for 25 years. The enterprising landlord faces a total of 20 charges, including forgery of documents, creating fraudulent schemes and using illegal methods...

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