Surcharge for a pet: how much does it cost to pet owners to rent a house in the USA

Finding a rental property for those in the United States who have pets is more difficult and costly than for those without pets. After all, if you decide to have a cat or a dog here, you should know that ...

What to do if you have nothing to pay for rent or a mortgage during quarantine

When rent comes due—typically today, April 1—many Americans will be faced with the harsh reality of the coronavirus pandemic, says renowned real estate expert Barbara Corcoran. What to do if you can't pay rent or...

6 major US cities with the most affordable rental housing

The generally accepted financial rule is that you should spend no more than 30% of your pretax income each month on housing, be it rent or mortgage. The federal government considers anyone who pays more to be “burdened with costs,” a term that fits most people in large cities ...

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