Learn English by song

What could be better than learning English from the songs of your favorite artists ?! It's fun, useful, and quite unusual. Therefore, today we want to offer a selection of resources for real music lovers. We have selected 9 wonderful sites for you, where you can not just ...

Dogs help New York students learn English

As you know, a dog is a man's best friend. Four-legged companions today also serve as guides, rescuers, guards and bomb cleaners. Recently, the canine resume has expanded to include another useful skill - child therapy. A dog can be the best companion for a child. AND…

Matroskin spoke in English: a selection of Russian cartoons with translation

Russian literature has always been rich in fairy tales: from cautionary tales and fables to exciting modern stories. Many of them were adapted for TV screens and translated into English, writes RBTH. We offer you a list of the most popular Russian fairy tales in English ...

Top 10 English Learning Blogs

To learn English on your own, if you have basic skills, of course, various English-language blogs are well suited. It is important to highlight among them the most reliable ones, which are approved by professionals and contain truly useful information. The online school of English "Inglex" selected the top ten, according to...

Learn English: 23 site with fascinating audio books

Audiobooks are an excellent way to learn to understand English by ear, expand your vocabulary and feel the melody of the language. And, of course, at the same time, enjoy that very book for which you always didn’t have enough time, writes Bright Side. We offer you 23 sites where you can freely download audiobooks in English. Serious books...

The University of Pennsylvania offers free online English courses.

When applying for a job in the United States, fluency in a foreign language is most often required. The U.S. Department of State and the University of Pennsylvania offer free online courses (known as MOOCs) to help those who may not be able to speak English communicate in a wide range of areas...

How to prepare yourself for the IELTS and TOEFL exams

Most English-speaking foreign universities require foreign students to provide IELTS or TOEFL certificates, which confirm knowledge of the language. Therefore, after choosing a university and collecting documents, a tense period begins in the applicant’s life - passing one of these exams. If the result is even...

Looking for English: 10 language schools in the 10 states of America

The best place to learn English is in the country where it is spoken. America is an excellent option for those who want to speak or converse in English. The choice of language schools in the USA is large: there are options from Washington to Hawaii. For example, in California you can...

Top-70 valuable sites for anyone who teaches English

For everyone who is tired of monotonous cramming and incomprehensible grammar tasks, the AdMe portal has compiled a list of the best online resources to help in learning English and some others. With them, a boring educational process turns into an exciting adventure. Choose which of them you like, and preferably several at once. Most importantly, remember: ...

How to pass TOEFL in the USA

The TOEFL test of knowledge of English as a foreign language will not pass by any Russian speaker who wants to enroll in an American university. Knowledge of the language at a decent level is one of the main requirements for admission. You can take the test both at home and after...

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