Scientists seem to have found a cure for alcoholism, but it causes hallucinations

Careful research has shown that a compound in psychedelic mushrooms known as psilocybin helps alcoholics reduce their intake or stop drinking altogether. NBC New York writes about it. More research is needed to see if the effect persists and works in a larger…

Scientists have learned to change the memory of genes: this is how alcoholism can be treated

Scientists use the Crispr gene editor to cut out problematic DNA to treat diseases. But there are times when it's better to leave the gene intact and regulate it instead, such as changing the memory of a gene that is responsible for alcohol behavior disorder, reports Wired. By now…

Russian-speaking groups of help to alcoholics and drug addicts in the USA: how it works

For many years, in almost all states of America, there have been anonymous help groups for Russian-speaking people suffering from alcohol or drug addiction. Everyone has completely different stories: someone could not stand it psychologically and could not cope with the stress after the move, someone has already arrived ...

Every 20 death in the world is due to alcohol: where in the US people drink the most

More than 3 million people died from alcohol consumption in 2016, according to a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO), which is 1 in every 20 deaths worldwide, writes CNN. More than 75% of these deaths were in men. So, of all the cases ...

In the US, increasing mortality of young people due to alcohol

Liver disease is an increasingly common cause of death in the United States, especially among young Americans, writes Time. A study published in the BMJ says that people between the ages of 24 and 35 are more likely to die from cirrhosis or liver scarring. Research data ...

US Congressman admitted to alcoholism and refused to re-election

American Republican Congressman Thomas Garrett announced on Monday that he is being treated for alcoholism and will not be re-elected in November for a second term in the US House of Representatives. “Everyone with whom I am more or less closely acquainted knows that I am a good person...

Biologists from the United States successfully tested the first cure for alcoholism

Molecular biologists from the University of Texas created and tested the first experimental drug for alcoholism, which completely weaned rats and worms from cravings for alcohol, according to an article published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, RIA Novosti writes. “There are other experimental drugs for alcoholism, but they all have a weak effect on humans and have strong side effects. Our substance...

California will open a detox with increased comfort

In Santa Clara County, California, a comfort sobering-up station will open so as not to send people under the influence of alcohol to jail. The sobering-up station will open in September at the Reentry Center next to the San Jose prison. The sobering-up station will initially be designed for about ...

In Korea, created a computer game for the treatment of alcoholism

Scientists from South Korea have created a computer game for the treatment of alcoholism. According to Doug Hania and his colleague, the essence of the game is to return the “center of pleasure” in the brain to normal operation, informs. The game contains in itself three different levels, which you need to go to ...

Caffeine provokes alcohol

  According to recent studies, drinking caffeine along with alcohol increases cravings. If you add an energy drink to an alcoholic cocktail, it is highly likely that a person will drink more in the evening than if the cocktail did not contain “energy”. To this ...

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