Better to delete: in which services you should not throw your account

Most Internet users rarely think about deleting an account on sites that they no longer need. Usually people just stop using the service, and the completed profile with personal information remains gathering dust on the server, waiting for a hack. In this regard, with reference to ...

6 good reasons to never save passwords in a browser

Don’t rush to click “ok” when your browser once again prompts you to remember your account login information. Why? This was found out by Lifehacker. 1. Storing passwords in the browser is not secure Built-in credential stores in the browser are a real security hole. If…

How teens in the US earn thousands of dollars through secret groups

BuzzFeed reported on teens who sell retweets to advertising, corporate and regular Twitter accounts and earn tens of thousands of dollars. The phenomenon is called "tweetdecking" because members are grouped together through the Tweetdeck application, writes TJournal. According to the newspaper, the number ...

33 Millions of Twitter Passwords Up for Sale

A database of over 32 million Twitter accounts has been put up for sale on the digital black market. The LeakedSource portal reports. LeakedSource experts randomly checked the records containing email addresses and passwords: 15 out of 15 passwords were found to be valid. ...

Account of the Ambassador of Ukraine to the UN on Twitter hacked

  The fact that the Twitter account of Ukraine's ambassador to the UN Yuri Sergeev was hacked became clear after seven strange posts. On Sergeev's page, seven messages appeared criticizing the current Ukrainian government, in which it is said that it is cracking down on its political opponents. In that…

Obama started a personal twitter

US President Barack Obama started a personal Twitter account. At the time of this writing, he posted one tweet in which he actually announced his appearance. Hello Twitter! It's Barack. Really! Six years in, they're finally giving me my own account. - President ...

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