A small child was thrown off the border wall in San Diego: agents who tried to help him were fired upon

Authorities on both sides of the US-Mexico border are trying to find who threw a 4-year-old boy off the San Diego border barrier, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said. The publication CNN told in more detail. The incident occurred around 21:00 on May 15 about half a mile (800 m) to the east…

In the United States offered to plant officials who interfere with catching illegal immigrants

On Monday, the Republican proposed legislation providing for a prison sentence of up to five years for officials who warn illegal immigrants about impending raids by the Immigration and Customs Service. This measure was proposed by Republican Steve King from Iowa and named it after the mayor ...

ICE Agents Arrest More 150 Illegals in California

Immigration agents this week arrested more than 150 people who violated U.S. immigration laws in Northern California, despite warning from the Mayor of Oakland about the upcoming raid. ICE agents began making arrests in the San Francisco Bay Area starting Sunday February 25th ...

Migration agents detain an immigrant after an interview on a green card

Last week, 21-year-old Yale student Vivian Andazola Marquez accompanied her father to a scheduled interview for a green card. As a result, his lawyer and translator were pushed out the door, and his father was detained for further deportation. The story is told by ThinkProgress. October 12 ...

Spy, get out: the life of the children of Russian agents after the exposure of the Americans

After US citizens Donald Heathfield and his wife Tracy Foley were exposed by FBI agents, not only the lives of the agents of Putin’s Russia themselves changed, but also their sons, Tim and Alex. The day of the special group's raid - June 7, 2010 -...

Secret agents crashed into the White House after drinking

The US Secret Service is investigating an incident in which two senior agency agents drove a car into the White House's protective barrier. Secret Service spokesman Robert Hoback said that newly appointed agency director Joseph Clancy had been notified ...

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