In Arkansas, women will be obliged to request permission from a man to have an abortion

In Arkansas, lawmakers have further restricted women's access to abortion by passing legislation requiring women to obtain permission from their partners for the procedure. The recently adopted HB 1566 bill is a new provision in the Arkansas Final Disposition Rights Act of 2009, ...

American got 25 years for fraud, shocked the FBI

Arizona resident Chalice Zethner was sentenced to 25 years in prison for a number of crimes, including forgery of documents confirming her cancer, as well as fraud in order to receive money from veteran charities. Her crimes were so outrageous ...

Abortion is banned in South Carolina

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley signed a bill Wednesday that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Typically, pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. There are exceptions to the law - if the mother's life is in danger during childbirth. In other cases, even with rape...

Center for Medical Progress accused of falsifying documents

The director of the Center for Medical Progress, David Daleiden, and his subordinates were charged with forgery. It is worth recalling that it was this center that filmed the scandalous film about the sale of organs at the Planned Parenthood Family Planning Center. In addition, the anti-abortion leader is suspected of trying to buy ...

Pope allowed the priests to forgive sins of abortion

Pope Francis allowed all priests to forgive the sins of women who had an abortion. This practice will last for one year starting on December 8th. Nowadays, only the main forgiveness in the diocese can absolve the sin of abortion. “I think about every woman who has had an abortion. I'm fine ...

Embryo for sale: everything you need to know about the scandal with Planned Parenthood

Is abortion considered murder, is the embryo a human, and until what month can a pregnancy be terminated? Is it ethical to use embionic tissue in medical research? All presidential candidates argue on these topics in America, but especially heated discussions erupted after the scandal around the Fund ...

Moldova banned the establishment of a monument to abortion victims

The Ministry of Health of Moldova vetoed the installation of the monument “Mom, don’t cry anymore!” Slovak sculptor Martin Hudacek. The sculpture was going to be installed in front of the Mother and Child Center in the capital of the country: in this way, the For the Family association wanted to honor the memory of victims of abortion. The monument was...

In Russia, they want to ban free abortions

A bill has been submitted to the State Duma on removing abortions from the compulsory health insurance system and carrying them out only in state medical institutions. The authors of the initiative were MPs Elena Mizulina, Olga Epifanova, Yaroslav Nilov, Elena Senatorova, Olga Alimova. The document proposes to punish abortion ...

Belarus will have a week without abortion

The action takes place within the framework of the implementation of the National Program of Demographic Security of the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015. The purpose of the action is to attract wide public attention to family issues, increase the birth rate, reduce the number of induced abortions, and form a positive attitude towards family values ​​among young people. Within ...

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