Where immigrants can learn languages: free courses in 12 countries - ForumDaily
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Where immigrants can learn languages: free courses in 12 countries

Knowing the language of the country is important for integration, and in many countries it will be useful for obtaining permanent residence and citizenship. Blogger Anastasia Antonova has collected for Tinkoff Journal A list of 12 countries and 22 organizations where you can save on language courses: they are free or at a minimal cost.

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Armenian Virtual College

For whom: all comers
Format: Online Training: For those who prefer the flexibility of learning from a distance or cannot make it to our Sofia location, we offer comprehensive online courses.
Language levels: from beginner to perfect
Duration: 8-16 weeks, but you can learn the language at your own pace: courses are not tied to a schedule

Armenian Repatriation Center

For whom: Armenian repatriates
Training format: in person in Yerevan
Language levels: from elementary to advanced
Duration: 2,5 month

On the subject: Tricks that will help to learn the language, even those who have long been desperate


Employment centers

For whom: German citizens, foreigners with a long-term visa or asylum seekers
Format: in person and online
Language levels: C1 - C2
Duration: 4-5 months

Applicants must have a German level of B2 or higher. If it is lower, training is only available after an integration course.



For whom: Residents aged 18 and over with a residence permit or legal status in Denmark, refugees, students, Au Pair participants
Format: in person in Copenhagen, Greve, Silkeborg, Ringkøbing, Sønderborg, Tønder and also online
Language levels: A1 - C1
Duration: 2-6 months

The courses are free, but at the beginning of each module you must leave a deposit of 2000 Danish kroner (268 euros). Upon successful completion of each module test, the deposit is returned.


International Civil Service

For whom: immigrants, status unspecified
Format: in person in Madrid and online
Language levels: A0 - B2
Duration: all year round

Conexion CP

For whom: refugees, asylum seekers, displaced persons, migrants in difficult situations
Format: in person in Barcelona and Badalona or online
Language levels: A1 - C2
Duration: 2-4 hours a week for three months

Adult Education Center

For whom: legally residing immigrants over 18 years of age
Format: in person in Santander
Language levels: A1 - B1
Duration: 10 months from September to June

Tuition costs 5 euros per year


Franco Verga Association

For whom: migrants aged 18 and over, status not specified
Format: in person in Milan
Language levels: A1 - B1
Duration: 10 months from September to June twice a week

Rete Scuole Senza Permesso

For whom: all comers
Format: in person in Milan in 36 branches
Language levels: A1 - B1
Duration: not specified

Most courses are free, but some require a membership of 20 euros per year.

L'Italiano per tutti on Facebook

For whom: foreigners, status not specified
Format: in person in Milan
Language levels: A1 - B1
Duration: 10 months from October to June


For whom: migrants aged 18 and over, status not specified
Format: in person in Bologna
Language levels: A1 - C1
Duration: 2-4 hours per week throughout the year

Enrollment in the group occurs after registration and passing a short language test


Public organizations helping new arrivals

For whom: permanent legal residents and vulnerable migrants
Format: in person and online
Language levels: from beginner to advanced
Duration: not specified


State institutes of additional education

For whom: migrants and refugees with legal status
Format: in person
Language levels: A1 - B1
Duration: 2 days a week lessons for 1,5 hours

Tuition fees are 10 euros per year.



For whom: legal immigrants
Format: in person in Lisbon
Language levels: A1 - A2
Duration of the course: 10 weeks, mandatory attendance at 90% of classes

Office for the Promotion of the Study of the Portuguese Language

For whom: legal immigrants and short-term visa holders over 16 years of age
Format: in person
Language levels: two courses from A1 to B2
Duration: maximum 150 hours depending on the educational institution


Most state public libraries, such as those in New York и Jacksonville

For whom: all comers
Format: in person and online
Language levels: A1 - C1
Duration: all year round

To qualify for free tuition, you must be a state resident or have a permanent address. Non-residents must pay a library card of $20-$100 per year.

Santa Ana College и City Colleges of Chicago

For whom: State residents
Format: in person and online
Language levels: A1 - C1
Duration: academic year


For whom: State residents
Format: in person in Boston
Language levels: A1 - C1
Duration: from September to June


iSMEK Center

For whom: foreigners, status not specified
Format: Online Training: For those who prefer the flexibility of learning from a distance or cannot make it to our Sofia location, we offer comprehensive online courses.
Language levels: beginner, intermediate
Duration: 8 — 16 hours

Yunus Emre Institute

Format: Online Training: For those who prefer the flexibility of learning from a distance or cannot make it to our Sofia location, we offer comprehensive online courses.
Language levels: beginner, intermediate
Duration: 36-72 hours


The Folk University

For whom: migrants aged 16 and over who have received a Swedish personal identification number
Format: in person
Language levels: A1-C1
Duration: flexible, as courses are offered continuously and adapt to students' needs

You may be interested in: top New York news, stories of our immigrants and helpful tips about life in the Big Apple - read it all on ForumDaily New Y


Settle Estonia

For whom: immigrants with legal status in the country who arrived within the last five years, including international students
Format: in person
Language levels: A1 - A2
Duration: 150 academic hours

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