The shooter who killed 4 people in Oklahoma came to the hospital to take revenge on the surgeon for back pain - ForumDaily
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Shooter who killed 4 people in Oklahoma came to the hospital to take revenge on the surgeon for back pain

According to police, the person who arranged shooting at a hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma took aim at the surgeon, whom he considered responsible for his constant back pain. Read more about the incident told the publication CBS News.

Photo: Shutterstock

The man blamed the surgeon for the ongoing pain after a recent back surgery. He bought an AR type rifle and set up a shooting in the hospital the same day. In addition to the doctor, he killed three more people. The shooter then committed suicide.

According to Tulsa Police Chief Wendell Franklin, the deceased repeatedly called the clinic complaining of pain and intended to kill the doctor who performed the operation.

According to Franklin, not only this doctor was killed - Dr. Preston Phillips. The killer took the life of his colleague Stephanie Husen, registrar Amanda Glenn, and patient William Love. The shooter was 45-year-old Michael Louie of Muskogee, Oklahoma.

The letter found on the gunman “made it clear that he had come with the intent to kill Dr. Phillips and anyone who stood in his way,” Franklin said. "He blamed Dr. Phillips for the continued pain after the operation."

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This was the latest in a series of mass shootings in the United States. It included deadly school shooting in Uvalda, Texas and firing near supermarket in Buffalo, New York. Last weekend (May 28-29) in Taft, Oklahoma, a woman was killed in a mass shooting during a Memorial Day event, injuring seven people.

Phillips, according to the profile on the clinic's website, was an orthopedic surgeon who dealt with spinal problems and joint restoration. According to Tulsa World, he was once the lead doctor for the WNBA team until the franchise moved out of state.

Dr. Cliff Robertson, President and CEO of Saint Francis Health System, called Phillips "the perfect gentleman and the person we should all strive to emulate." He said the employees killed were "the three best people in the whole world" and they "didn't deserve to die like this".

Police, Franklin said, believe the shooter bought his gun legally.

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Franklin praised law enforcement, 16 operators and emergency services for their "immediate response" to the attack. Police responded to the call about three minutes after dispatchers received the call at 52:17 p.m. - they made contact with the shooter at 01:XNUMX p.m.

“The preparation led to immediate action without hesitation,” he said. “That’s exactly what officers do, and that’s what they did in this case.”

The amount of time it took last week for police officers in Uvalda to apprehend the perpetrator during the deadly shooting at Robb's elementary school was a key moment in the investigation. The officers waited over an hour to break into the classroom, where an 18-year-old shooter with an AR-type semi-automatic rifle killed 19 children and two teachers.

A spate of recent gun violence across the country has led Democratic leaders to step up their calls for tighter gun restrictions, while Republicans are stressing the need for stronger school safety. There are bipartisan discussions.

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