Georgia Shooting: Shooter's Mother Called School to Warn, But School Failed to Respond - ForumDaily
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Georgia Shooting: Shooter's Mother Called School to Warn, But School Failed to Respond

At Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, On September 4, a shooting occurred. The armed attack left four people dead. The accused, Colt Gray, sent a message to his mother shortly before the incident. The shooter's mother tried to call the school to prevent the tragedy, reports NYPost.

Student at school desk with gun detail. Student is opening an old school desk to look for something. He has a gun in his hand.


Charles Polhamus, the shooter's grandfather, said his daughter Marcy Gray was visiting him in Fitzgerald, Georgia, on Sept. 4 when Colt sent her a text message.

"I'm sorry, Mom," it read.

Warning call

Marcy, 43, called Apalachee High School in desperation to alert a counselor to the emergency.

"I notified the school counselor. I told her it was an emergency and asked her to find my son immediately to check on him," Marcy said.

After receiving the text from her son, the mother immediately jumped in her car to head to Winder, about a three-hour drive from Fitzgerald. Halfway there, she learned that two students and two teachers had already been killed.

After Marcy Gray's panicked call, school officials appeared to try to prevent disaster, her sister Annie Brown said.

On the subject: A mother and her boyfriend nailed a 6-year-old boy to a wall and shot him with a pistol.

The administrator was looking for Colt and entered his classroom a few minutes before the shooting began. But he was not there.

Polhamus says he knew something bad was going to happen. He called his grandson's father "evil" and said Colin Gray had turned Marcy on to drugs, destroying the family.

"Colleen Gray did this to his family. He's going to rot in hell for it. That's a fact," Polhamus admitted. "He should be executed. He's probably one of the worst narcissists in the world."

What is known about the family of the alleged shooter

Georgia school shooting suspect Colt Gray had a difficult family situation.

Gray's mother has multiple drug and domestic violence arrests. The boy's father bought his troubled son an AR-15 rifle for Christmas. Now he's facing weapons supply charges.

Lauren Vickers, a neighbor of the family, said the family's children often ended up on the streets.

Polhamus said Colin was abusive to his grandson and daughter. Sister Marcy believes Gray had mental health issues.

Both Colt and Colin are charged with murder. Authorities said Colin gave his son, who is charged as an adult, an AR-15-style rifle.

"He was a good kid who became bad in an unhealthy situation. It's sad. The environment a child grows up in has a direct impact on their personality and who they become," Polhemus said.

He explained that Colin regularly yelled at his wife and children. Marcy even once called herself a victim of abuse. She wrote that her children "began to thrive" after she and Colin separated last year.

Polhamus accused Colin of becoming addicted to opiates after injuring his back several years ago, and of pressuring Marcy to get him medication when doctors refused to issue prescriptions.

"They lost their home, he lost his job," he noted.

"For two years, my son-in-law lay on the couch and did nothing. My daughter Marcy worked. Before all this happened, they had a farm worth half a million dollars. They lost it," Polhamus said.

Marcy moved with her three children into Polhamus' home, but police sent the children back to their father after their mother was caught with drugs.

Her arrest records include charges of drug possession, grievous bodily harm, theft and criminal trespassing. At one point during an incident, she "threatened to kill her husband."

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Marcy, according to her father, has been drug-free for about a year and has found a high-paying job.

"If you're in a relationship like that for 11 years, you're not going to be stable," Polhemus said, adding that the relationship had "absolutely" changed his daughter.

Colin could spend the rest of his life behind bars.

"He's getting what he deserves. My grandson is getting what he deserves," Polhemus concluded. "Colt should pay for what he did. But I assure you, his father pushed him to do it. I believe I am right."

Grandfather clarified that Colt "was not like his father."

When Polhamus was asked what he would say to Colin if he saw him, he immediately replied: "I hope you burn in hell."

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