American Airlines pilot threatened to drop Trump supporters from plane
American Airlines issued a statement defending the pilot's actions, who said he would "land the plane in Kansas and drop passengers" if they do not stop behaving inappropriately on the flight departing from Washington on December 8th. Writes about it Fox News.
One of the passengers on the flight shared a video on social media that showed travelers - some wearing red MAGA hats (US President Donald Trump's campaign slogan - Make America Great Again) - chanting "USA, USA" during the announcement of safety rules in front of the by flight.
Another video, posted on Twitter, captured the pilot's remarks in which he threatened to "drop" disturbing passengers in Kansas.
“We’re going to land this plane in the middle of Kansas and drop people off,” the pilot can be heard saying. - We will do it if necessary. So behave yourself, please."
Wow. I'm on a plane full of patriots flying from DC to Phoenix and we started chanting "USA"… and the Captain came on said told us he'd drop us off in Kansas if he had to if we didn't obey their every single rule.
American Airlines is everything but American.@AmericanAir
- Mindy Robinson ?? (@iheartmindy) January 8, 2021
The woman who uploaded the first video, conservative activist Mindy Robinson, also suggested in her tweet that the chant "USA" was the pilot's reaction. Although American Airlines said some of the passengers refused to comply with the airline's requirements and were without face masks.
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“Before departure from Washington National Airport. Ronald Reagan (DCA) pilot aboard Flight 1242 made an announcement emphasizing the importance of following crew instructions and complying with mandatory mask rules," an airline spokesperson said.
.@AmericanAir threatening to “dump people off” in the middle of Kansas. unreal.
- Doctor President-elect Amanda Head (@AmandaHead) January 8, 2021
Robinson herself also hinted that passengers chanting "USA" did not follow "all the rules," which is exactly what is required of commercial airline passengers by the FAA and the private airline industry itself. Another Twitter user who responded to her video noticed this by writing, “This is a private company. You follow their rules, otherwise you will not receive their services. This is how free markets work. ”
Friday's incident is just one of many times airlines have responded to disruptive passengers following the riot at the U.S. Capitol, during which a mob of Trump supporters stormed the building. Last week, Alaska Airlines banned 14 passengers from wearing masks and disturbing crew members on a flight from Washington to Seattle. American Airlines confirmed it will no longer serve alcohol on flights to and from the District of Columbia "as a precaution."
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In response to last week's events, Sarah Nelson, president of the Flight Attendants Association-CWA (AFA-CWA), called for a flight ban for anyone who participated in "violent and seditious actions in the Capitol." She "called on the US government to prevent these people from escaping."
In response to AFA-CWA concerns, FAA Administrator Steve Dixon said the FAA would take "severe enforcement measures" against violating passengers "with penalties ranging from monetary fines to jail time."
On the same day, the FAA tweeted that such offenses could result in fines of up to $ 35.
“Federal law prohibits you from assaulting or threatening to physically assault the crew or anyone else on board the aircraft. You may be subject to fines of up to $35 and imprisonment for such conduct,” the FAA wrote.
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