Clinton supporters complain about withdrawing money from cards without their knowledge after donations - ForumDaily
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Clinton supporters complain about withdrawing money from cards without their knowledge after donations

Photo: Carol Mahre

Carol Mar (left) was withdrawn several times after she signed up for a single payment to the treasury of the election campaign of Clinton, and her son Roger, who works as a lawyer, filed a complaint to the Attorney General of Minnesota. Photo: Carol Mahre (from the personal archive)

81-year-old resident of Minnesota, Carol Mar, claims that her card was withdrawn several times after she signed up for a single payment as a donation to the treasury of Hillary Clinton's election campaign. The son of a woman, Roger, who works as a lawyer, filed a complaint to the state attorney general.

Mar said she contributed $ 25 through the official site in support of Clinton’s candidacy. According to her, this is the most that she could contribute because she cannot boast of a large fortune. However, she later found out in an extract from the bank that 2 operations were carried out for the same amount plus once for $ 19, in total, $ 94 was withdrawn from the card.

The article Observer notes that this amount is not in vain less than $ 100. The Wells Fargo Bank Fraud Division reports that they receive more than 100 calls per day complaining of unauthorized transactions for amounts below $ 100.

“The fact is that we usually do not investigate suspicious transactions under $100,” says an unnamed bank employee. - Clinton's headquarters knows about this, which is why they do not exceed the specified limit. We found unauthorized transactions of $20, $40 or $60, but never $100 or more."

Complaint Carol Mar, reportedly transferred to the US Federal Election Commission.

The son of an elderly woman, Roger, said that at Clinton headquarters he was answered only after 40-50 calls. According to the lawyer, the woman with whom he communicated, only promised that the withdrawal of funds from the account will be terminated.

However, the next day after this conversation, another transaction was made. In addition, Clinton’s headquarters never returned the money to the woman, which was withdrawn without her knowledge.

At the same time, Roger is convinced that his mother could not sign up for automatic recurring payments, since she, despite her age, “actively uses the Internet and is well versed in it.” Even in the event of such an error, he argues, the money should have been withdrawn once a month in certain amounts, rather than in multiple transactions over the course of one day or month.

Transactions from a bank statement on Carol Mar. Photo: Carol Mahre (from the personal archive)

Transactions from a bank statement on Carol Mar. Photo: Carol Mahre (from the personal archive)

Wells Fargo, a specialist in the anti-fraud department of the bank, says that their clients, without receiving funds back from the candidate’s headquarters, contact the bank to solve the problem.

“They understand that these are very small amounts that we will return to clients,” explains the source. According to him, the bank has not yet received a single similar complaint from supporters of Donald Trump.

Recently, as ForumDaily reported, the Wells Fargo bank itself was at the center scandalby firing more than 5 thousands of employees in a fake bills case.

Carol Mar, who has consistently voted in the presidential election for Democratic Party candidates since 1956, said she decided not to support Hillary Clinton in the upcoming elections.

Comments from representatives of the headquarters of Clinton in the article is not given.

Explanation: Observer is owned by Observer Media, which is owned by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner.

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