The States Where Thanksgiving Turkey Will Cost the Most, and the Regions with the Cheapest Prices
Thanksgiving is coming, which means people will be making room in their freezers for the star of the show: turkey. But Hawaiians will have to pay twice as much for it as Oklahoma residents. How much will the main Thanksgiving dish cost this year, found out Fox News.
Turkeys are costing an average of $2,08 per pound this year, according to a new study by FinanceBuzz, which compiled prices from several grocery stores across the United States. That means a 15-pound turkey that feeds 7 people will cost consumers about $10.
There is some good news to be thankful for, though. The price of turkey is down 12% since last Thanksgiving, and is even slightly cheaper than the average price for 2022, according to FinanceBuzz.
Turkey prices, like most items, vary from state to state and even from store to store.
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Here are the states where Thanksgiving dinner will cost the most and where it will cost the least, based on the average price per pound of a 15-pound frozen chicken.
The Most Expensive States for Turkey
- Hawaii
Hawaiians will pay the most for turkey this year, FinanceBuzz reports. The average 15-pound turkey in Hawaii costs $52,85 — more than twice as much as in the cheapest state.
- Alaska
Alaskans will also have to shell out a pretty penny for their holiday main course, with the average price of a 15-pound turkey here being $44,85.
- California
California is third on the list—first in the continental U.S.—with the average price of a 15-pound turkey coming in at just under $40.
Cheapest States for Turkey
- Oklahoma
The cheapest turkeys in the country can be found in Oklahoma, where the average 15-pound turkey costs $19,75, FinanceBuzz reports. That's about $1,32 per pound.
- Louisiana
Louisiana is the second-to-last state where the average turkey costs less than $20, according to FinanceBuzz. It's slightly more expensive than Oklahoma at $19,80.
- Mississippi
The traditional bird for a holiday dinner in Mississippi is several notches more expensive than in neighboring Louisiana, but it is still the third cheapest in the country.
In Mississippi, a 15-pound turkey can be purchased for $22,30, FinanceBuzz reports.
Come shopping early
With Thanksgiving in two weeks, you can save big by starting dinner planning now, says Andrea Balitewicz, Butterball's turkey hotline supervisor.
Another way to save, he advises, is to "make the most of leftovers" to cook meals in the days following the big dinner.
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"Be sure to refrigerate the turkey within two hours of serving, then it will be good to eat for another four days," she said.
As the expert noted, to keep the dish fresh longer, you should divide the cooked carcass left over from dinner into small portions and put them in sealed plastic bags for freezing.
Involving your guests in preparing your holiday meal can be another way to save money on Thanksgiving.
"Let them bring a side dish to complement your treats," Balitewicz concluded.
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