Starbucks refuses disposable cups: bonuses await customers with their cups - ForumDaily
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Starbucks refuses disposable cups: bonuses await customers with their cups

Starbucks' iconic white paper cups may soon be a thing of the past. By the end of 2023, customers will be able to use their own reusable cups in the US and Canada. FOX business.

Photo: Shutterstock

In an attempt to reduce landfill waste, the coffee chain is phasing out disposable cups in favor of reusable mugs.

Paper or plastic cups may not disappear completely, but they will no longer be a priority.

“We've set an ambitious goal to become a resource-efficient company—reducing waste and conserving and replenishing more fresh water than we use,” Michael Kobori, Starbucks' chief sustainability officer, said on the company's website. “This commitment included setting ambitious goals by 2030 to reduce carbon emissions, conserve water and halve waste.”

By the end of 2023, customers will be able to use their reusable cups in the US and Canada.

The company is testing different programs in different countries.

One program, "Borrow a Cup" (Borrow a Cup), allows customers to drink their coffee and return the cup to a designated Starbucks where it will be professionally cleaned and reused by other customers.

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Another is ditching disposable cups entirely in favor of reusable personal cups.

The third method is more focused on customers who bring their own cups.

To promote the plans, Starbucks will roll out customer benefits such as free coffee, discounts, and offering personal cup washing stations. Traditional plastic straws will also be replaced by new compostable options.

Here's how a greener Starbucks will reward you for reusing your cup

By next year, Starbucks customers will be able to use their personal reusable cups in the U.S. and Canada, including at coffee shops, auto services, and mobile ordering and payment options. marketwatch.

Starbucks sells 4 million coffee drinks worldwide per day. The network logs 60 million customers every week, but it's tracking those who drink coffee as well as those who buy food and goods.

The company conducted tests in the US to see how coffee drinkers respond to financial incentives and disincentives such as a 10-cent charge for disposable cups and a 50-cent discount for a reusable mug.

The goal by 2025 is to provide customers with easy access to a personal or reusable cup provided by Starbucks on every visit. According to the company, the borrowed cup replaces up to 30 disposable cups.

Disposable cups account for 20% of the company's waste globally, but their "take-away" format, appealing to most customers, means an uphill battle to fully switch to reusable cups. The company uses about 7 billion disposable cups every year. Add disposable lids and the cup and lid combination is 40% company waste.

Starbucks also plans to test the new cup-washing stations at cafes in Oahu, Hawaii, and on the Arizona State University campus, but wants to expand its use.

Starbucks has already piloted cup loan programs in Japan, Singapore and London. In South Korea, a retailer has already pledged to phase out disposable cups entirely by 2025.

Starbucks and Volvo

The company's sustainable efforts to protect the environment open up new horizons.

Starbucks and Volvo will promote ChargePoint electric vehicle chargers in the chain's green stores.

In a pilot program beginning this summer, Starbucks and Volvo will create a route from the Colorado Rockies to the Starbucks Support Center in Seattle using Volvo EV chargers powered by CHPT ChargePoint available at 15 Starbucks Green Stores. along the way.

“We know that infrastructure is the main reason why customers hesitate or decide not to buy an electric car. Imagine a future where you can fill up your car at Starbucks,” the company said in a statement.

Market watcher LMC Automotive expects electric vehicles to account for a 2030% share of U.S. new car sales by 34,2, with a 30,1% share of all-electric vehicles and 4,1% of plug-in gas and electric hybrids. Electric vehicle sales, including plug-in hybrids, accounted for only about 4% of total U.S. vehicle sales in 2021. However, this is twice as much compared to last year.

By 2030, Starbucks hopes to achieve success in its decarbonization efforts, including electric vehicle charging and the availability of solar power in stores and surrounding areas. The company previously set a goal to halve its waste and carbon footprint from direct operations by 2030. Ultimately, she wants to achieve a positive relationship with resources, for example by sending excess energy back into the power grid.

Also on March 15, Starbucks launched a waste and recycling app to help its baristas and other employees navigate waste sorting. There may be more customer use of the app, but for now, it's reserved for Starbucks employees.

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“Sorting trash into the right bins has a huge impact on diverting waste from landfills—imagine scanning a single-use item and knowing exactly how and where to safely dispose of it,” Starbucks said in a statement.

Starbucks shares are down 32% since the start of the year. Last month, the company cut its earnings forecast for fiscal year 2022.

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