The United States imposed sanctions against Ramzan Kadyrov and his family - ForumDaily
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US imposes sanctions against Ramzan Kadyrov and his family

The US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) listed 22 individuals and 2 entities. Among them are those who assisted the government of the Russian Federation (GoR) in Ukraine both before and during the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Among the sanctioned persons was the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, and his family. This is stated on the official website. US Department of the Treasury.

Photo: IStock

Among those on the list is Task Force Rusich, a neo-Nazi paramilitary group that fought alongside the Russian military in Ukraine, as well as two of its senior leaders.

"The United States will continue to take decisive action to hold Russia accountable for its war crimes, atrocities, and aggression," said Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. “Ukraine is moving forward in defense of its freedom, and today we are taking steps to further undermine Russia’s ability to rebuild its military, as well as to hold the perpetrators of the violence accountable and further isolate Vladimir Putin (President of the Russian Federation) financially.”

Sanctions against Kadyrov and his family

Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov is the leader of the Chechen Republic in Russia and a brutal military leader. He is associated with cases of torture and murder, mobilized Chechens for the war in Ukraine. Publicly describing himself as Putin's "foot soldier", Kadyrov was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general for his role in Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

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Chechen units sent by Kadyrov to the war in Ukraine operated in Bucha (a suburb of Kyiv), where Russian troops committed atrocities and destroyed houses.

Kadyrov amassed a huge fortune thanks to his close relationship with Vladimir Putin. Kadyrov has a house in the United Arab Emirates, a private zoo and expensive private cars.

Along with the sanctions against Kadyrov, OFAC took action against some of his immediate family members:

  • Medni Musaevna Kadyrova is one of Kadyrov's wives.
  • Fatima Shaikhievna Khazueva is one of Kadyrov's wives.
  • Aminat Akhmadova is one of Kadyrov's wives.
  • Aishat Ramzanovna Kadyrova, the eldest of Kadyrov's daughters, deals with cultural issues in Chechnya.
  • Karina Ramzanovna Kadyrova is one of Kadyrov's daughters and the head of an educational institution in Chechnya.
  • Tabarik Ramzanovna Kadyrova is one of Kadyrov's daughters.

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Kadyrov is also under the sanctions of Australia, Canada, the EU, Japan, Switzerland and the UK.

OFAC has taken action, among other things, against Firdaws Limited Liability Company, which calls itself Chechnya's first "national fashion brand". Firdaws is owned by Aishat but was originally launched by Medni.

In addition, OFAC included Turpal-Ali Vakhayevich Ibragimov, Kadyrov's cousin, on the list. Ibragimov held numerous high positions in Chechnya and was reportedly involved in extrajudicial executions.

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