The USA has been hit by a severe winter storm: it’s almost impossible to go anywhere for the holidays - ForumDaily
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The United States is hit by a severe winter storm: it’s almost impossible to go anywhere for the holidays

A powerful Christmas winter storm that has already brought heavy snow and freezing rain to the central US is expected to continue to impact travel, reports CBS.

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“The combination of falling snow or snow on the ground with high winds will result in blowing and blizzard conditions this morning,” the NWS said. “Travel may be difficult or nearly impossible due to snowy roads and whiteout conditions.”

The agency also warned of fallen tree limbs and power lines.

What to expect

A large storm system will continue to bring severe winter weather to parts of the north-central United States through the morning of December 27th.

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Another 5 to 10 cm of snow is expected in western South Dakota, western Nebraska, Wyoming and northeastern Colorado, according to the NWS.

There is a high chance of snowfall totals exceeding 30 cm in areas of south-central South Dakota and north-central Nebraska, the agency said.

Heavy snowfall and wind gusts of more than 55 meters per hour will lead to a blizzard.

In addition, freezing rain continues to occur in parts of northern and eastern South Dakota and southern and eastern North Dakota.

Portions of I-90 were closed on the morning of Dec. 26, and roads west of I-29 were partially or completely covered in snow, NWS Sioux Falls tweeted.

In a separate tweet, NWS Sioux Falls officials said roads will remain slick due to light precipitation.

“Re-freezing of wet roads along with light icing will make roads slippery,” the agency said. “Please drive carefully!”

In eastern Colorado, a blizzard warning led to the complete closure of Interstate 70 for several hours on the morning of December 26th.

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“The blizzard warning applies to the south and east of the Denver metro area and includes parts of five states - Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota. It will be valid until the morning of December 27,” the agency reports.

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