US leader in microplastics tap water pollution - ForumDaily
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US leads on microplastic contamination of tap water

Фото: Depositphotos

Researchers who tested tap drinking water found that 83% of samples were contaminated with microscopic plastic fibers.

In the United States, the highest level of pollution was noted - 94%. In addition, polluted tap water was sampled at the Congress building, the headquarters of the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Trump Tower in New York.

The highest rates were observed in the tap water of Lebanon and India.

European countries, including the UK, Germany and France, were distinguished by the lowest level of pollution - 72%.

The average number of fibers found in each 500 ml sample varied from 4,8 in the USA to 1,9 in Europe.

New research points to the ubiquitous degree of microplastic pollution in the global environment. Previous work has focused primarily on plastic pollution in the oceans. This suggests that people eat microplastic fibers through contaminated seafood.

In addition, scientists believe that most micro fibers enter the environment from clothing, upholstery and carpets, including particles that are formed as a result of the operation of washing machines and dryers.

According to a US study, each cycle of a washing machine could release more than 700 000 microscopic plastic particles, The Guardian reports.

According to the study, microplastic absorbs toxic chemicals, causing cancer and other diseases.

However, you should not run for bottled water to avoid microplastic ingestion in the body. Microplastic was also detected in them.

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