US and other countries extend sanctions against Russia because of Ukraine - ForumDaily
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The United States and other countries have expanded sanctions against Russia because of Ukraine

The US, Canada and the EU on Friday imposed sanctions against Russia because of its actions against Ukraine, including the attack on Ukrainian ships, the annexation of the Crimea and activity in the east of Ukraine, writes Reuters.

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The US Treasury said it imposed restrictions on four FSB officers because of their involvement in the collision of the military courts of the Russian Federation and Ukraine in the Kerch Strait, the agency said in a statement.

Canada imposed sanctions on 114 people and 15 legal entities in connection with the military actions of the Russian Federation against the Ukrainian courts, and the EU, for that reason, added its black list with eight new Russian names. In a statement by the Council of the European Union, it says that high-ranking representatives of the security agencies and the military, whom the bloc accuses of obstructing the passage of Ukrainian ships to the port, fell into it.

“The United States and our transatlantic partners will not allow Russia’s ongoing aggression against Ukraine to go unnoticed,” said US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

“This joint initiative with our partners in the European Union and Canada reinforces our common desire to introduce targeted and substantial sanctions in response to the Kremlin’s attempts to violate international norms and undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.”

Under the US sanctions announced on Friday, six Russian defense enterprises operating in the Crimea, the Ministry of Finance said in a statement. “Some of them illegally seized the Ukrainian state assets and provided services to the Russian military” during the annexation of the Crimea in 2014, the Finance Ministry said.

In November, Russia fired at three Ukrainian ships that tried to pass through the Kerch Strait, connecting the Sea of ​​Azov with the Black. Several crew members were injured, and the ships were captured. 24 Ukrainian sailors were arrested, and since then Russian courts have repeatedly extended their arrest.


The United States, Canada and the EU on Friday again called on Moscow to release the sailors.

“Canada and its allies are unwavering in their support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Russia’s provocations in the Kerch Strait and its illegal invasion and ongoing occupation of Crimea will not go without consequences,” said Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland.

Last year usa sold Ukraine anti-tank missile systems Javelin, to help her in the fight against the separatists, supported by Russia. And this year the USA are exploring the opportunity new weapons supplies to Ukraine in addition to the anti-tank missiles that were sent to her earlier.

Also, German Chancellor Angela Merkel last month rejected the US proposal to conduct a naval maneuver in the Kerch Strait in order to warn Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Earlier, Estonian special services stated about preparing Russia for a war with NATO over Belarus.

Recall that Russia threatened non-nuclear countries with a missile strike for cooperation with the United States, and the Russian leader himselfrigosil place supersonic nuclear weapons on ships and submarines near the US.

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