List of banks that will operate on Columbus Day - ForumDaily
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List of banks that will operate on Columbus Day

Photo: depositphotos

Photo: depositphotos

On the second Monday of October, the United States traditionally celebrates Columbus Day, in 2016, this holiday fell on October 10.

Three-day long weekends usually involve additional costs or the need to carry cash to pay for outdoor activities and entertainment.

In addition, despite the fact that this is a federal holiday, it is still a working day in many US offices, and for their work may require the services of banks, most of which are closed on this day.

Edition Go Banking Rates collected a list of banks that will operate on Columbus Day, and those that will be closed.

Banks open for Columbus Day:

  • Fifth Third Bank (except branches in Chicago);
  • Huntington Bank;
  • TD Bank;
  • Wells Fargo.

Banks that will not operate on October 10:

  • Bank of America;
  • Bank of the West;
  • BBVA Compass Bank;
  • BB&T;
  • BMO Harris Bank;
  • Capital One Bank;
  • Citibank;
  • Citizens Bank;
  • Comerica Bank;
  • First Niagara Bank;
  • HSBC Bank;
  • Huntington State Bank;
  • M&T Bank;
  • People's United Bank;
  • Regions Bank;
  • PNC Bank;
  • Santander Bank;
  • SunTrust Bank;
  • Union Bank.

Banks not working on October 10, but with some exceptions:

  • Key Bank - Utah branches will remain open, all other branches will be closed;
  • US Bank - Most of this bank's branches will be closed. Branches will be opened in Minneapolis, Cincinnati, southern Kentucky and southern Illinois, as well as Tennessee, Wisconsin and Iowa.

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