Flight attendant tips: what you should never do at the airport - ForumDaily
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Flight attendant tips: what you should never do at the airport

Flight attendant Elliott Hester told about the obvious rules of behavior that passengers still violate and can spoil the flight, writes Life hacker.

Photo: IStock

Joke about bombs and terrorist attacks

Isn't it ridiculous to assume that you have a bomb with you? Anyone who looks at you will immediately realize that you would never engage in terrorist attacks. So why not joke about it? Not worth it.

Hester spoke about a recent case at Los Angeles airport. One of the passengers answered in the affirmative to the employee’s standard question whether he had aerosols, sharp objects or explosives with him. Then he turned to his companion and asked if he put the explosives. The joker was arrested and charged under the article "A false report about an impending explosion."

Although the charges were later dropped from this man, you should not take an example from him and joke at the airport about the bombs. According to Hester, employees are required to report any such statement, even if it is clear that this is a joke.

Refuse to answer questions

Of course, any formalities on board the aircraft are terribly annoying. It is unlikely that the position of the folding table will change something in the event of an accident. But the conductors are obliged to ensure that during takeoff and landing they are folded. However, for some reason, not everyone is ready to comply with this rule.

Hester ran into a passenger who was completely silent at the request of the staff to lay down the table before take-off. He ignored all the questions of a senior flight attendant. I had to return the plane to the airport building. The guards brought out a stubborn passenger, and only then did he speak.

Yes, sometimes you don't want to talk. But do not test the patience of the cabin crew for durability.

Trying to carry prohibited items on board

Long lines and searches seem like a waste of time when you personally have to endure them. But they are completely justified, because a huge number of passengers are trying to carry prohibited items through the checkpoint.

According to US Transportation Security Administration official Jason Pockett, the strangest thing about his work is to observe how people are trying to do it in all sorts of ways. Most often, without malicious intent. For example, stick batteries with adhesive tape to food containers. Or hide items in dirty laundry to make it unpleasant for employees to check the bag. If you do not believe that this happens, check out the Instagram of the Transportation Security Administration.

Get drunk (and admit you're drunk)

Some alcohol helps to transfer the flight without a nervous breakdown. But if you can't drink, stay home. Although alcoholic drinks are on board, you will not be allowed to board if you are clearly drunk.

And if you say that you are “in the insole”, the employee of the inspection service, you may well be fined or even arrested. Do not drink a lot or at least wait until you are on board.

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