Employees of the main Ukrainian airport delved into the passengers' things. VIDEO - ForumDaily
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Employees of the main Ukrainian airport delved into the passengers' things. VIDEO

Photo: Facebook Vyacheslav Plotkin

In Kiev, at the international airport "Borispol" caught unscrupulous employees who were rummaging in other people's things stored in the room of lost luggage. About this in Facebook Wrote user Vyacheslav Plotkin.

“Employees of the Boryspil International Airport were caught on surveillance cameras rummaging through other people’s belongings in the lost luggage room,” Plotkin wrote.

The actions of the staff were on surveillance cameras. The video shows how employees rummage in someone else's suitcases, take out things and exchange them with each other. In the room of lost baggage are stored things that passengers leave at the airport.

This video interested in the Main Directorate of the National Police of Kiev region.

“An investigation is underway into the theft of things at the Boryspil airport... Criminal proceedings have been opened under Part 1 of Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. A set of investigative measures are currently being carried out. The time when this event occurred and the identities of the airport employees involved in this are being established,” the police said in a statement. Facebook.

Later, the head of the department for preventing corruption and internal investigations at the airport, Marina Fastovets, told “Gromadsky radio”that the defendants video suspended from their duties.

We are talking about six involved in the case (on the video you can see two employees; probably, we are talking about their leaders).

According to her, they will be able to dismiss only after a court decision and if they are proved guilty.

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