A dog started a fire in a house: the incident was captured on a CCTV camera - ForumDaily
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A dog started a fire in a house: the incident was captured on CCTV

A video posted by the Tulsa, Oklahoma, fire department shows a dog chewing on a cellphone battery before a house fire breaks out, the newspaper writes. USA Today.

Photo: Mileatanasov | Dreamstime.com

In May, Tulsa Fire Department personnel responded to a fire caused by a damaged lithium-ion cellphone battery. Video from a camera installed in the house shows one of the two dogs chewing on the battery, which eventually exploded and caught fire. The dog bed was the first to catch fire.

Smoke and fire quickly filled the house. Both dogs and a cat that was also there made it out of the burning home safely through a pet door, according to the fire department.

“Rescue services across the country are faced with fires caused by battery fires. We want people to be more aware of the safe use, storage and disposal of lithium-ion cell phone batteries,” the Tulsa Fire Department said.

Mobile phone batteries can cause deadly incidents.

“Lithium-ion batteries are known for being very energy-dense despite their small size. When this energy is released, an explosion can occur and release flammable and toxic gases, explained Andy Little, public information officer for the Tulsa Fire Department. “Many people keep these batteries at home without realizing the potential danger they pose.”

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