A piece of cake from Elizabeth II's wedding was sold at auction for $2800: the dessert was kept for 77 years - ForumDaily
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A piece of cake from Queen Elizabeth II's wedding was sold at auction for $2800: the dessert was kept for 77 years

A very rare piece of the Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip's wedding cake has sold at auction for £2200 ($2840). The fruit dessert was found in a suitcase under a bed 77 years after the original 2,7-metre cake was served to 2000 guests, writes Air force.

Photo: Magdalenastrakova | Dreamstime.com

The piece of cake was given by Elizabeth, then Princess Elizabeth, to Marion Paulson, who served as housekeeper at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh from 1931 to 1969.

"This little piece of cake is a real time capsule," said James Grinter, of Reeman Dansie auction house in Colchester.

On the subject: A woman bought a vase at Goodwill for $3,99, then sold it at auction for $107.

A piece of cake originally valued at £500 ($645) was sold to a Chinese buyer who bid on the phone.

It was originally presented to Paulson's housekeeper as a token of gratitude for a "beautiful" dessert set she had given the newlyweds. She kept the piece until her death in the 1980s, after which her family hid it under her bed with her other things.

The cake was still in its original gift box, along with a letter from the Queen dated November 1947.

It read: "My husband and I were deeply touched when we learned what a wonderful wedding gift you gave us," "We are both enchanted by the dessert service. I know everyone who sees it will be delighted by the beautiful colors."

Polson's Scottish relatives decided to put the memorable sweet under the hammer and contacted auctioneers earlier this year.

The royal couple's lavish cake consisted of four tiers and was served to the newlyweds at their wedding on November 20, 1947.

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Grinter, a royal expert at Reeman Dansie, said Ms Paulson's piece of cake was the first ever to be sold as a whole slice.

"This piece still has its original filling, which is very, very rare. Keep in mind that it was made during the food rationing era. The most magnificent cake was ordered for a wedding. I've seen pictures of it - it was huge and could have filled half the room."

Grinter noted that the dessert was, alas, no longer in the best condition: “I probably wouldn’t risk trying it.”

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