A woman was hospitalized because she slept with the air conditioner on: what health risks does this pose - ForumDaily
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A woman was hospitalized because she slept with the air conditioner on: what health risks does this pose?

A British woman was hospitalized after spending the night in an air-conditioned hotel room in Antalya. In the hospital she had to stay on a drip. Doctors diagnosed the patient with a “severe case of tonsillitis,” the publication writes. Times Entertainment.

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Liana Foster traveled to Antalya, Turkey, from north London to spend the holidays with her family. A woman was taken to the hospital with symptoms resembling COVID-19. The patient's throat was covered with white spots characteristic of tonsillitis; she had a high fever and felt body aches.

The holiday had to be interrupted after two days of illness because Foster was in very bad condition. The British woman suffered from a debilitating fever, her throat hurt so much that Foster, according to her, could neither eat nor drink. She thought she had contracted COVID-19.

As it turned out, the cause of the illness was the air conditioner in the hotel room, which became a source of contaminated air.

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Foster felt ill after her first night in the hotel room, but she did not immediately go to the hotel doctor. According to her, medical services would cost her too much. As it turned out, saving on medical care was a bad idea, because in the end the illness brought the woman to a hospital bed.

“I couldn’t take antibiotics by mouth, so I had to take injections twice a day for three days. I was in a lot of pain,” Foster shared her experiences on the MailOnline social network.

What is tonsillitis and what are its symptoms?

Tonsillitis is an infectious disease in which the palatine, nasopharyngeal, laryngeal and lingual tonsils become inflamed. The disease can occur in acute (angina) and chronic forms. Tonsillitis affects people of all ages, but children and adolescents are most susceptible to the disease.

If at an early stage the disease responds well to treatment, then at a later stage it will no longer be possible to get rid of inflammation forever. Having become chronic, the disease regularly reminds itself of itself with a sore throat.

The root cause in all cases is the same - pathogenic bacteria.

Why are air conditioners dangerous?

Legionnaires' disease. Air conditioning in hotels or offices can often lead to serious throat infections. According to the UK's National Health Service, microscopic droplets of water from air conditioners or hot tubs cause something called Legionnaires' disease. This is a type of lung infection whose symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, vomiting and some neurological disorders.

You can become infected with Legionnaires' disease in hotels, hospitals or offices. However, people generally do not get this infection at home.

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Angina. Do you spend a long time under the air conditioner and leave it on even when you sleep? This increases the risk of developing a sore throat. Air conditioning dries out the air, which causes a dry mouth and throat, making the throat lining more vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria.

Skin diseases. According to dermatologists, dry conditioned air has a bad effect on the skin, causing an exacerbation of ailments such as eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis. Constant exposure to dry air leads to premature aging of the skin.

Hair health. Losing too much hair lately? Perhaps air conditioning is to blame for this too. Dry air dries out the scalp, making hair dry and brittle.

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