How much is a comfortable life in 50 largest cities in America - ForumDaily
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How much is a comfortable life in the largest cities in America 50

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The most accessible city is not necessarily the cheapest.

GoBankingRates conducted a cost-of-living comparison in the 50 of the most populous cities in the United States. In its calculations, the company took into account living expenses, including rent, groceries, utilities, transportation and health care.

The basis was taken rule 50-30-20 in the preparation of the budget:

  • 50% revenue covers needs
  • 30% at own discretion
  • 20% to save

The study compares the total amount of income needed for the average family in each city, with the goal of seeing differences in the cost of living and wages.

Cities are listed in decreasing order of population from smallest to largest.

50. Bakersfield, California - $43

Basically, the average household income is $ 56 842. Residents of the city earn $ 13 416 every year beyond the standard of comfortable living.

49. Arlington, Texas - $46

Residents of the city earn about $ 53 055, and even higher. This is $ 6 151 higher than the income needed for a comfortable life in this city.

48. New Orleans, Louisiana - $60

On average, residents earn only $ 36 964, which is not so much compared to the high cost of living in the city. This income for $ 23 818 is not enough for a comfortable life in the city.

47. Wichita, Kansas - $40

The average household income is $ 45 907. Live well and have an extra $ 5 291 per year.

46. ​​Cleveland, Ohio - $42

Cleveland has low living expenses, but has the lowest average family income. Residents earn $ 26 179, which is $ 16 410 less than the amount needed for a comfortable life in the city.

45. Minneapolis, Minnesota - $64

The average family income of city residents is $50. This is $767 less than what is needed for a comfortable life.

44. Miami, Florida - $77

The average income in Miami is $30, which is less than half for a comfortable life in the city. This is the largest gap in the ranking between actual and ideal income for a comfortable life.

43. Raleigh, North Carolina - $55

This is the case when local residents receive income that is necessary for a comfortable life.

42. Colorado Springs, Colorado - $44

On average, a family earns $ 54 228. This allows local residents to additionally receive $ 9 716 per year.

41. Omaha, Nebraska - $45

Most residents can live comfortably on the average family income of $ 48 751, which is $ 3 191 more than the income needed to cover their needs, desires and savings.

40. Virginia Beach, Virginia - $50

Low cost of living makes it easy to live with an average income of $ 67 001. This amount is $ 16 072 more than you need to live comfortably.

39. Atlanta, GA- $ 60 285

With an average family income of $ 46 439 in Atlanta, employees in this city receive less than $ 13 846 every year for a comfortable life.

38. Mesa, Arizona - $42

Residents earning, on average, $ 48 259 per year, have an additional $ 56 05.

37. Kansas City, Kansas - $45

The average income in the city is $ 45 376, which is $ 65 more than necessary.

36. Long Beach, California - $58

Long Beach residents need to earn $ 5 616 per year more than their average income $ 52 944.

35. Sacramento, California - $53

The median income in Sacramento is $50. That's $013 less than what you need to live comfortably in the city.

34. Fresno, California - $42

$41 is the median income for Fresno residents. This is $455 less than the income needed to live comfortably in the city.

33. Tucson, Arizona - $39

With the lowest of the largest US cities in 50, needed to cover needs, residents of Tucson can probably do with $ 37 149 median income, which is only $ 2 817 less than the amount needed to live well.

32. Albuquerque, New Mexico - $43

The average income in Albuquerque is $ 47 413, which is almost $ 300 more than the amount necessary for a comfortable life.

31. Milwaukee, Wisconsin - $43

The family earns, on average, $ 35 489 per year, which is $ 7 792 less than you need for a comfortable life.

30. Louisville, Kentucky - $46

Residents receive $2 less than what they need to live comfortably in Louisville. The average income of residents is from $025.

29. Las Vegas, Nevada - $50

Las Vegas residents, on average, earn $ 50 903, which is $ 450 more than what is needed for a good life.

28. Portland, Oregon - $60

The income of local residents is $53. This is $230 less than the comfortable level.

27. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - $44

The average income is $47, which is $004 less than what is needed for a comfortable life.

26. Baltimore, MD: $ 53 897

The average income in Baltimore is $ 41 819. But the high cost of living in the city requires $ 12 078 more.

25. Nashville, Tennessee - $61

The average income in the city is $46, which is $758 less than what is needed for a comfortable life.

24. Boston, Massachusetts - $84

The high cost of living in Boston requires $ 29 937 more than the average earnings of $ 54 485.

23. Memphis, Tennessee - $44

The average income in the city is $37, which is $099 less than what is needed for a comfortable life.

22. Washington, DC - $83

Locals earn $ 69 235 per year. This is $ 13 869 less than what is necessary for a comfortable life.

21. Denver, Colorado - $62

The median income in Denver is $51, which is $800 below the comfort level.

20. Seattle, Washington - $72

Seattle residents receive, on average, $ 67 365, which is $ 4 727 less than what is needed for a comfortable life.

19. El Paso, Texas - $40

Low living costs make the city easy to live. Residents, on average, receive $ 42 037. And may additionally postpone $ 1 810 per year.

18. Detroit, Michigan - $42

Detroit has the lowest average income among 50 cities on this list. It is $ 26 095, which leads to a gap in $ 16 677 between actual income and the amount needed for a comfortable life.

17. Charlotte, North Carolina - $53

Most locals can live well on the median family income of $ 53 274, which is only $ 568 less than the amount needed for financial comfort in this city.

16. Fort Worth, Texas - $51

The city's median income of $52 is close to ideal for living comfortably.

15. Columbus, Ohio - $45

Residents of the city receive, on average, $ 44 774, which is $ 692 less comfortable level.

14. Indianapolis, Indiana - $46

The median income in Indianapolis is $42—that's $076 less than the salary to live comfortably in the city.

13. San Francisco, California - $119

San Francisco residents face one of the largest gaps between their actual and ideal incomes. The average salary is $78. This is $378 less than a comfortable standard of living.

12. Jacksonville, Florida - $49

In the city, the average income starts at $ 46 768. This is $ 3 074 less than the amount necessary for comfortable living.

11. Austin, Texas - $53

Most Austin residents can live comfortably on the average salary, which is $ 55 216, while leaving $ 1 991 per year for savings.

10. San Jose, California - $89

With a high cost of living, the average income in San Jose is $ 83 787, which is $ 5 947 less than what is needed for a comfortable life.

9. Dallas, Texas - $55

The average income in Dallas is $ 43 359, which is $ 12 292 less than the ideal income.

8. San Diego, California - $69

San Diego residents, on average, earn $ 65 753, which is $ 3 554 less than a comfortable life requires.

7. San Antonio, Texas - $46

With an average family income of $ 46 317 in San Antonio, residents get $ 79 per year higher than the ideal salary.

6. Phoenix, Arizona - $48

Residents, on average, receive $ 46 881, which is $ 1 995 less than the income needed for a comfortable life in the city.

5. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - $59

The median income in Philadelphia is $37, which is $460 short of a comfortable life.

4. Houston, Texas - $60

The median income in Houston is just $45. This is not enough to match the city's high cost of living, leaving the gap between the average and ideal income at $728.

3. Chicago, Illinois - $68

The median income in Chicago is $47, which is $831 less than comfortable.

2. Los Angeles, California - $74

Los Angeles residents face high living expenses. The average income in the city is $49. This is $682 less than a comfortable standard of living.

1. New York, New York - $87

The median income in New York is $52. That's $737 less than what you need to live comfortably.

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