Trump's headquarters mistakenly published the phone of a Michigan resident on social networks: he was bombarded with calls - ForumDaily
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Trump's headquarters mistakenly published the phone of a Michigan resident on social networks: he was bombarded with calls

A Michigan resident was bombarded with text messages and phone calls after Donald Trump's headquarters mistakenly posted the man's number on social media. Detroit Free Press.

Photo: Shutterstock

The 231 area code was posted on the Facebook and Twitter accounts of Team Trump, the Trump campaign account. These publications stated that the number belonged to Michigan Legislator Lee Chatfield. Posts also named Chatfield as speaker of the state House of Representatives, but he no longer holds that position. These posts were shared by Donald Trump's official Facebook page, adding to the repost a call for the state of Michigan to refuse to certify the results of the presidential election.

About a day after that, Petoskey resident O Rose, 28, received "hundreds" of calls and text messages from strangers who believed they were contacting Chatfield. O Rose is not his real name and the victim insisted that his name and gender not be identified. Since in Russian it is impossible to avoid gender endings for verbs and adjectives, we use the masculine gender, meaning the word “person”.

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“I can’t take any more voicemails, I have 44 in my inbox,” Rose said. — Endless, endless texts. I deleted a bunch of them and now I think maybe I shouldn't have done that. But I was just shocked... It’s just funny.”

Calls came in during Rose's telephone interview with the Detroit Free Press.

Rose began replying to senders with funny, humorous pictures from the Internet, for fun and in hopes of telling people it was a wrong number. However, sometimes even a straight answer indicating that they called the wrong person did not stop the caller.

“I told them I wasn’t Lee Chatfield, but they still didn’t believe me,” O Rose admitted. “It was just a series of people denying reality.”

In one screenshot posted in News-Review, Rose responded to the text by saying, “This is NOT Lee's number ... I'm a random citizen. Wrong numbers and information were published. " To this the original sender replied, "Well, that's what you say."

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Rose posted some of these screenshots on his personal Facebook page and elsewhere in an attempt to get enough attention to reduce calls and messages. He also posted a message to Chatfield's Facebook page to inform him of the situation.

“Eventually I will have to change my number, but it will take a while,” Rose said.

Rose grew up in Northern Michigan but moved to California early last year out of a desire to flee the Midwest.

“But apparently he’s still after me,” he said.

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