A 6-year-old boy from Texas was accepted into a closed club of geniuses: he has an incredibly high IQ - ForumDaily
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A 6-year-old boy from Texas was accepted into a closed club of geniuses: he has an incredibly high IQ

Six-year-old Chandler Hughes from Texas is one of the youngest people ever accepted into Mensa's high-IQ society, reports NBC.

Photo: IStock

Chandler is passionate about helping others and wants to use his gift to become a doctor in the future.

Chandler began reading at one year and nine months. He attended kindergarten and graduated at a second-grade reading and math level.

Chandler can multiply complex numbers in his head with ease, and at age three he had an IQ of 146.

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He passed a test difficult enough to join the high-IQ society Mensa, open to those who score in the top two percentiles of IQ tests.

MENSA is an international elite organization for high IQs founded in 1947. It only accepts participants with an IQ above the 98th percentile worldwide.

“He joins a special brotherhood of people who are essentially geniuses,” says the boy’s father.

“We never really sat him down and said, let’s read it. We just introduce him to something he likes, we never forced Chandler,” says the genius’s mom.

But Chandler didn't break the record. Isla McNab from Kentucky holds the Guinness World Record for being the youngest member of Mensa. She joined the group at just over two and a half years old.

One day, Chandler Hughes hopes to use his gift to help others. He wants to become a doctor.

“Being a doctor because I want to help people when they are sick,” Chandler says.

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But now the family is focused on giving this talented child the support he needs to succeed.

“Working on the socialization factor, I think, is the next task for us,” says the boy’s father. “He is in a great environment where he is supported by teachers and peers. We will do everything to ensure that he continues to achieve success in life.”

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