Six Ways to Save on Shopping at Amazon - ForumDaily
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Six Ways to Save on Shopping at Amazon



Shopping through sites that return a percentage back is another way to save money on shopping. These 6 online apps help you save money by buying gifts or just the necessary things on Amazon. All of them are very easy to use and most importantly - free.

1. Cash back through MyPoints

This site rewards you with gift cards for online purchases.

At the moment, you can earn 5 points for every dollar you spend on Amazon. In addition, you can get an Amazon $ 15 gift card if you sign up for Prime, which will give you free shipping and other benefits.

Here is the process step by step:
• Sign up for MyPoints using your email address.
• Next time you buy something online, use MyPoints, which partners with many retailers - including Amazon. But even if you don't buy something on Amazon, check out other stores' offerings.
• Once you earn 1590 points, you can redeem them for $10 on your Amazon card. 15 points - $800 on Amazon card.


“Just like almost every other online marketplace, we earn commissions from stores when you make purchases,” said Mark Moran, senior vice president of marketing and distribution at “Instead of keeping that money for ourselves, we share it with you in the form of a big check.”

Users can return up to 40% cash back to 2 thousands of stores and use more than 10 thousands of coupons. You can donate your money to charity, give it to a family member, or get paid by PayPal or check. Most cash returns to you within 48 hours.

Right now there are 34 discount offers for Amazon, where they return up to 25% cash back.

3. Payment with credit card bonuses

Barclaycard offers a refund of cash to the card. This service is called Barclaycard CashForward ™ World MasterCard®. You can return 1,5% cash back for each purchase.

If you manage to spend $ 500 during the first 90 days after opening the card, you will earn $ 100 rewards.

4. $ 36 per year with ShopTracker

This is an easy passive way to earn an extra $ 36 per year.
ShopTracker is operated by Harris Poll, which is interested in US public opinion.

In this case, they are interested in what products Amazon users are buying. When you sign up for ShopTracker, the system saves your personal information and sees your order information, including the order date, product name, category, ISBN number, release date, status, unit price, quantity, and other details.

5. Screenshot of Should I Buy This? by The Penny Hoarder

The service helps you figure out whether you need what you want to buy or not by asking you a series of questions. It helped people save a lot of money.
If you intend to make purchases deliberately, the site will help you return the most cash.

6. Share your check for a refund through Paribus

To get a refund, you just need to register and that's it. Once you make a purchase from Amazon, Target, or one of 16 retail partners, the platform scans your inbox and gives you a refund for your purchase as soon as the price drops.

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