US senators call on White House to resume military assistance to Ukraine immediately - ForumDaily
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US Senators Urge White House to Renew Military Assistance to Ukraine Immediately

A group of US senators from both parties sent a letter to the head of the White House Office of Management and Budget, Mick Mulvaney, calling on him to maintain the provision of military aid to Ukraine and “immediately” resume the flow of funds.

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The text of the appeal is published on sites Senator Genie Sheikhin and other members of the group.

Senators expressed "deep concern" about reports that the administration is considering cutting off security funding to Ukraine in 2019. The authors note that the nascent democracy in Ukraine is “pro-Western and pro-American, and since 2014 has experienced increased military, political and economic pressure from Russia.”

According to US senators, funds earmarked for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative “are vital to the long-term viability of the Ukrainian military. This has helped Ukraine develop the independent military capabilities and skills needed to defend against the Kremlin's ongoing attacks on its territory. In fact, Ukraine continues to fight daily on its eastern border against Russian-backed separatists in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and more than 10 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians have died in this war.”

On the subject: Trump froze military aid to Ukraine after Bolton's visit to Kiev

The group of senators notes that American-funded security assistance "has already helped turn the tide in this conflict, and in the future it is necessary to ensure the protection of the sovereign territory of this young country," which is important not only from a security perspective, but is also "the only way for Ukrainians continue to move toward reforming and protecting our country’s democratic institutions.”

“In this way, we are helping Ukraine one day become a net aid provider, rather than just a recipient,” the authors add.

“This funding is critical to the long-term stability of Ukraine, and also has the continued support and approval of the US Congress, which allocated these funds. We urge you to instruct the Pentagon to send these funds immediately, ”the letter said.

The letter was signed by Senators Jinn Sheikhin, Richard Durbin, Richard Blumenthal, Rob Portman, Ron Johnson. The document states that copies were sent to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Department Head Mark Esper.

As ForumDaily wrote earlier:

  • 29 August US President Donald Trump instructed to review military assistance to Ukraineto make sure that the allocated funds are used in the best way possible from the point of view of Washington’s interests. During the review, money from the military budget will be frozen. The audit will be conducted by Head of the Department of Defense Mark Esper and Assistant to the President of the United States for National Security John Bolton.

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