Family budget: how much do residents of different states spend on household expenses
Americans spend about $ 4,4 trillion annually on housing, utilities and insurance. But for residents of each state, these amounts are different. Edition CNBC decided to find out exactly where Americans pay the most and least.
According to doxo's 2021 United States of Bill Pay Report, the average American household spends about $ 22 per year, or about $ 666, per month on their household expenses, which is about 1% per annum.
The 10 most common home accounts, including:
- Mortgage
- Rent
- Car loans
- Utilities (electricity, gas, water and sewerage)
- Auto Insurance
- Cable TV, internet and telephone
- Health insurance
- Мобильный телефон
- Alarm and security
- Life insurance
Nationally, the average amount spent on household expenses varies greatly by state. Hawaii residents pay the highest amount, averaging $2 per month. This is 731% higher than the national average. New Jersey and California rank second and third in the state rankings, respectively.
Meanwhile, residents of Arkansas, Mississippi, Indiana, New Mexico, and West Virginia are getting more affordable bill payment rates. Households in West Virginia spend an average of $ 1 on monthly bills, the lowest in the country.
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“When it comes to differences in household spending across states, the four biggest factors—mortgages, rent, utilities and auto loans—are the leading drivers,” said Jim Kreienhagen, vice president of marketing and consumer services at doxo.
Those total costs in Hawaii are double that of West Virginia, Craienhagen said.
Housing in particular is a driver of variability. “So the more expensive the home, the higher the other bills,” explains Kreienhagen, although he notes that there are exceptions. For example, in Wyoming, housing costs are high, but other expenses are relatively low.
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Here is a complete picture of how much residents in each state, on average, spend on household bills:
- 50. West Virginia - $1 (485%)
- 49. Arkansas - $1 (534%)
- 48. Mississippi - $1 (567%)
- 47. Indiana - $1 (597%)
- 46. New Mexico - $1 (608%)
- 45. Missouri - $1 (612%)
- 44. Oklahoma - $1 (619%)
- 43. Kentucky - $1 (622%)
- 42. Alabama - $1 (655%)
- 41. Nebraska - $1 (663%)
- 40. Tennessee - $1 (663%)
- 39. Ohio - $1 (666%)
- 38. South Carolina - $1 (690%)
- 37. South Dakota - $1 (691%)
- 36. Idaho — $1 (698%)
- 35. Kansas - $1 (727%)
- 34. Michigan - $1 (734%)
- 33. Pennsylvania - $1 (767%)
- 32. North Carolina - $1 (768%)
- 31. Iowa - $1 (789%)
- 30. Arizona - $1 (829%)
- 29. Louisiana - $1 (832%)
- 28. Georgia - $1 (833%)
- 27. North Dakota - $1 (835%)
- 26. Montana - $1 (835%)
- 25. Utah - $1 (844%)
- 24. Texas - $1 (883%)
- 23. Maine - $1 (900%)
- 22. Delaware - $1 (904%)
- 21. Wisconsin - $1 (923%)
- 20. Nevada - $1 (928%)
- 19. Illinois - $1 (934%)
- 18. Florida - $1 (943%)
- 17. Minnesota - $2 (007%)
- 16. Oregon - $2 (071%)
- 15. Vermont - $2 (073%)
- 14. Virginia - $2 (101%)
- 13. Wyoming - $2 (107%)
- 12. Rhode Island - $2 (147%)
- 11. Colorado - $2 (147%)
- 10. New Hampshire - $2 (188%)
- 9. Washington - $2 (199%)
- 8. New York - $2 (252%)
- 7. Connecticut - $2 (311%)
- 6. Maryland - $2 (356%)
- 5. Massachusetts - $2 (464%)
- 4. Alaska - $2 (484%)
- 3. California - $2 (529%)
- 2. New Jersey - $2 (562%)
- 1. Hawaii - $2 (731%)
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