Seven charming countries where you can relax for little money - ForumDaily
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Seven charming countries where you can relax for little money

No money? No problem. Travel doesn't always have to be expensive. There are many places where you can travel on a budget of $50 a day or even less. Edition Travel Off Path selected 7 of the best destinations around the world to travel to if you're on a tight budget.

Photo: IStock

1. Thailand

No wonder Thailand is one of the most popular destinations in Southeast Asia for American travelers.

Your money in Thailand will stretch over many more days than in the United States—think a $10 massage on the beach, a $9 hostel room per night, and delicious $3 street food.

From luxurious beaches to mountainous Chiang Mai and bustling Bangkok, Thailand has a lot to offer.

You can easily stick to a $50 a day budget while traveling in Thailand, although be aware that beach destinations like Phuket, Koh Samui and Krabi are more expensive than inland destinations.

2. Colombia

Colombia is one of the most affordable countries in Latin America. And don't let its "dangerous" reputation fool you: these days, Colombia is perfectly safe for travelers and has a lot to offer.

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Bogota and Medellin are two bustling and vibrant metropolitan areas with amazing nightlife, while Cartagena is a colorful colonial city. Nature lovers should definitely visit Tayrona National Park or Valle de Cocora.

In Colombia, you can easily hit $35 a day by staying in hostels, using local buses, and eating street food.

3. Indonesia

Indonesia, in particular Bali, is a favorite destination for many travelers. Canggu is known for its great beaches and surf, and for being one of the party capitals of the world. Ubud is different from it - it is a lush and calm paradise in the jungle with temples and rice fields.

And Nusa Penida is one of the most beautiful (and accessible) islands in the world.

If you don't mind staying in hostels and skipping some of the trendy cafes and restaurants that Bali is famous for, then you can make a very budget trip.

It's possible to hit $50 a day in Bali, and your budget will last even longer if you visit nearby islands in Indonesia such as Lombok and Java.

4. Montenegro

Montenegro is an underrated place in Europe that deserves attention. It is cheaper than neighboring Croatia and offers many of the same stunning scenery, quaint towns and fun beaches.

For $40 a day or less, it's easy to live in Montenegro, where prices are shockingly affordable compared to other locations in Europe.

5. Cambodia

Cambodia is another very affordable destination in Southeast Asia that is worth visiting. Traveling in this Kingdom, you will not need a budget at the level of royals - you can invest $ 35 per day, or even less.

Some of the best things to do in Cambodia include visiting the temple complex of Angkor Wat, the laid back beach town of Sihanoukville, and the capital Phnom Penh.

6. Albania

Albania is one of the cheapest travel destinations in Europe.

Don't miss the trendy capital of Tirana, historic Berat and the Albanian Riviera with busy beaches like Saranda and Ksamil.

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This Balkan country can be explored for $35 a day because it has very affordable hotels, food and transportation.

7. Laos

One of the cheapest destinations, Laos, is located in Southeast Asia. It has a lot to offer visitors who want to have a great time.

You will be able to live in Laos on a budget of $35 a day and enjoy all of the country's many beautiful sights.

Laos will win your heart with sumptuous waterfalls, outdoor adventures in Vang Vieng and the charming French colonial city of Luang Prabang. This is a worthy experience that will not cost you a tidy sum.

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