Seven incredible campgrounds in US national parks that can only be reached on foot or by boat - ForumDaily
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7 Incredible Campsites in US National Parks Only Reachable by Foot or Boat

While most national park campgrounds are easily accessible by car, some of the coolest locations are in places that can't be reached by car. About permanent campsites with basic facilities that can only be reached on foot or by boat. CNN.

Photo: IStock

Of course, you will have to bring all the food and equipment (and take out the trash) with you. But the reward is a wilderness experience that isn't spoiled by nasty car exhausts, annoying RV generators, or sleep disturbances from people arriving too late or leaving before dawn.

Below are eight incredible campsites in national parks that are not accessible by vehicle.

Garden Key (Dry Tortugas National Park)

Have you always dreamed of settling on a romantic desert island? Garden Key, located 112 km from Key West at the extreme western end of the Florida Keys, is the only campground in the national Dry Tortugas Park. The only way to get to Garden Key with camping gear is by daily ferry Yankee Freedom III.

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The campgrounds, shaded by palms and other trees, are nestled between two small beaches and Fort Jefferson, an early XNUMXth-century US military stronghold, the largest brick structure in the western hemisphere.

The campground has picnic tables, barbecue grills and dry closets. But that's all. Campers need to bring everything else with them: all food and fresh water, tents and sleeping bags, snorkeling equipment, etc.

Bright Angel Campground (Grand Canyon National Park)

Deep inside Grand Canyon Bright Angel takes its name from a nearby creek, not from the trail of the same name that leads there from the South Rim.

The campground, a favorite with hikers, has a ranger station (with seasonal ranger programs), drinking water, restrooms, picnic tables, and food storage lockers to protect your food from animals. Food and snacks can be purchased at the nearby Phantom Ranch.

An exit permit is required for overnight stays. The campground can be reached from the south or north edge via three trails. The 16-mile Bright Angel Trail is the shortest route. Vacationers should be aware that summer temperatures at the canyon floor can get incredibly high.

Scorpion Canyon (Channel Islands National Park)

Another candidate for the best camping on a desert island in a national park. Scorpion Bay is located near the eastern tip island Santa Cruz off the coast of southern California.

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Island Packers operates daily year-round ferries from Ventura Harbor on the mainland. The campsite is located about 700m from the ferry dock in a coastal canyon that was once inhabited by the indigenous Chumash people and later a cattle and sheep ranch.

The campsite, surrounded by large eucalyptus trees, offers picnic tables, drinking water, food storage boxes and toilets.

Campers must bring all food and equipment with them, as well as their own recreation equipment (snorkeling equipment, short surfboards, etc.).

Half a dozen trails radiate from Scorpion Bay across the large island. You can see rare Channel Island foxes that often hang out around the campground.

Little Yosemite Valley (Yosemite National Park)

Whether you're planning to climb Half Dome at dawn, or heading down the John Muir Trail, Little Yosemite Valley offers an amazing adventure.

The trail leading up from a large valley passes Vernal and Nevada Falls. It's only 8km from the start of the Happy Valley Nature Center trail, but with a climb of over 792m, walking with a backpack, sleeping bag, and tent on your back can be tricky.

In addition to the incredible night sky, the campground features drinking water, composting toilets, public fire pits, and food lockers to keep groceries away from Yosemite's famous smart bears. Exit permits are required even if you are not staying overnight.

Palikū Campsites (Haleakala National Park)

If in your wildest imagination you've ever wondered what it's like to camp on the moon, head straight to Maui and this remote campground at the bottom of a volcanic crater. Haleakala.

Palikū is popular with hikers doing a two-day hike through the national park, but can also become a destination in its own right on a multi-day round trip from the visitor center on the western edge. The distance is 24 km one way through colorful desert terrain dotted with cinder cones, old lava flows and other volcanic formations.

Even though the campground is deep in the crater, it is almost 2000m above sea level and nighttime temperatures can drop below freezing. Volcanic stone walls around the campsites help protect the tents from the sometimes violent winds.
A permit for camping in the wild is required. The only amenities in Palikū are a toilet and non-potable water, which must be filtered for drinking.

Washington Creek (Isle Royale National Park)

A large wild island in the harbor of Lake Superior offers about three dozen primitive campsites that can only be reached by foot, boat or seaplane. One of the most easily accessible is Washington Creek near Windigo on the southeast shore. Isle Royale.

Washington Creek offers 10 sites and covered campsites, as well as picnic tables and drinking water. Nearby there is a seasonal ranger station, a camping shop, a convenience point and a dock where campers can leave their boats for the night.

Those who do not have their own boats can take ferries to Windigo from Grand Portage, Minnesota, and Copper Harbor or Houghton, Michigan.
While the famous wolves are rarely seen on Isle Royale these days, the island still has a fairly healthy population of elk (over 2000 individuals) and many other animals.

Weaver Point (Lake Chelan National Recreation Area)

Impressive fjord-like valley in a range North Cascades in Washington State is a stunning camping site on the northern tip of Chelan Lake accessible on foot or by boat.

Getting to the campground is a huge adventure in itself. Vacationers need to drive their own boat or take a ferry in Chelan to cross the long, thin and incredibly picturesque lake to Stekhekin. From there you need to walk or paddle 5,6 km across the lake to Weaver Point.

Company Lake Chelan Boat Co.. carries kayaks, but not canoes, surfboards or other watercraft. Weaver Point Campground operates on a first come, first serve basis, no exit permits are required. Campsites are equipped with picnic tables and barbecue grills. And you can bring your dog with you!

Sea Camp Beach (Cumberland Island National Coast)

27 km of pristine Atlantic beach and falling asleep to the sound of the surf every night are the main attractions of this place on the island Cumberland off the coast of Georgia.

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Tucked away in the forest by the ocean, the well-equipped campground has picnic tables, fire pits with grills, food storage containers, potable water, and toilets with cold showers to wash off the sand before heading to bed.

Vacationers can bring their bikes by ferry from the mainland, or hike to the ruins of Dungeness Mansion, Stafford Plantation, or the ghost town of High Point near the northern tip of the island.

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