Seven Cities for Fashion Shopping in the US - ForumDaily
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Seven Cities for Fashion Shopping in the US

If you decide to get new things and are willing to spend several thousand dollars on it, then you should do it in one of the fashionable cities of the world, where all world fans of designer clothes and famous brands strive.

Фото: Depositphotos

Фото: Depositphotos

In the US, there are 7 cities that can be called fashion capitals, a list of them collected edition Go Banking Rates.

1. New York

Madison and Fifth Avenue is full of trendy boutiques. This is the area where you will find Barneys New York, Cartier, Christian Louboutin, Jimmy Choo, Saks Fifth Avenue and many other famous brands. Just walking along Fifth Avenue, you can view the windows with fashionable clothes and admire New York.

2. Beverly Hills, CA

Rodeo Drive is not only one of the places where you can see celebrities in Los Angeles, but also the famous street where the shopping center is located Rodeo Collection.

It will take you a few days to visit all the upscale designer stores on Rodeo Drive. Here you will find boutiques Agent Provocateur, Balenciaga, Bulgari, Dolce & Gabbana, Lacoste, Ralph Lauren and many others.

3. Las Vegas, NV

Fashion boutiques are located on the territory of large hotels and resorts.

The Venetian is home to malls Grand Canal Shoppes and Barneys New Yorkwhere you can find exclusive fashion collections. AT Wynn Las Vegas have their own stores Chanel, Cartier, Chloe other. And the hotel The Forum was called the “wonder of the world”, there are specialty stores 160, including Louis Vuitton, Giorgio Armani and Valentino.

4. Miami, FL

In the huge mall Bal Harbour you can find boutiques Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue and dozens of luxury retail stores. Here you will also find European brands and designer collections. Bottega Veneta, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana and Dior.

5. Chicago, IL

Hundreds of designer brands, retail stores, department stores and other retail outlets are located on The magnificent mile. Meet the latest fashion trends on Nordstrom Michigan Avenue or make purchases in the 6-floor Bloomingdale's. Here you can find boutiques Burberry, Louis Vuitton and Giorgio Armaniand then try a delicious meal in one of the many restaurants that are close to trendy shops.

6. Honolulu, Hawaii

Luxury row in Honolulu - an elite shopping complex with boutiques Gucci, Tiffany & Co, Chanel and other brands.

Another place to visit in this city is Ala moana center - The world's largest open-air shopping center. Here you will find brand stores Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale's, REDValentino, Miu Miu and Diane von Furstenberg.

7. San Francisco

Shopping center Pier - a place where you can find designer products from boutiques and specialty stores. The complex includes more than 70 shops and art collections.

Another place to go shopping in San Francisco is Jackson square. Here you will find unique works of art, furniture and fashion boutiques.

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