Secrets of interview preparation from the man who helps you get jobs at Google, Amazon and Apple - ForumDaily
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Secrets to Preparing for an Interview from the Man Who Helps You Get Jobs at Google, Amazon, and Apple

An interview is the most difficult stage of the job search. But artificial intelligence can help you prepare for it. CNBS tells us about the secrets of such preparation.

Photo: Inkdropcreative1 |

Jeremy Schiefeling is the former head of LinkedIn's education team and partnered with OpenAI to bring ChatGPT to Khan Academy. (Khan Academy is a nonprofit education platform founded in 2008 by American educator Salman Khan. It offers thousands of free educational resources, including video lectures, interactive assignments, tests, and exercises, covering a wide range of subjects. The goal of the project is to make quality education accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or income level.)

Today, Jeremy Schiefeling helps students and career coaches leverage the power of platforms like LinkedIn and tools like ChatGPT. He works with top universities including Harvard, Stanford, and NYU, and helps job seekers land offers from Google, Apple, Amazon, and McKinsey.

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“To understand how I use AI tools to help candidates find jobs at the world’s most prestigious companies, you need to start not with the AI ​​algorithm, but with the human factor,” said Schiefeling, to whom we now turn the floor.

Two Key Qualities for a Successful Interview

We've been paying so much attention to mysterious big language patterns lately that we've forgotten one thing: decision-making still lies at the heart of human psychology.

When it comes to first impressions—the essence of the interview—our brains focus on two key aspects:

  1. Competence: Can you handle the job?
  2. Goodwill: Would I like to work with you?

It is not enough to prepare for an interview by memorizing answers as if you were taking an exam. Since your interviewer is not a scanning machine, you will have to think not only about your words, but also about how you look, react, and adapt in real time.

Artificial intelligence can help you prepare in a way that demonstrates these two qualities: competence and friendliness.

Training with AI to demonstrate competence

Your accomplishments may be significant, but if you share them haphazardly, the interviewer will assume that you are disorganized. And they are unlikely to see you as a competent professional.

Behavioral interview questions often begin with phrases like, “Tell me about a time when…” or “Describe an experience when…” The best way to formulate compelling answers is to use the STAR (Response Structure for Behavioral Interview Questions) method. It involves four elements:

  • Situation: What was the context of your experience?
  • Task: What specific tasks or goals did you have?
  • Action: What steps did you take?
  • Result: What was the result of your work? What did you learn?

This is the foundation of storytelling, and once you master it, you'll see it everywhere. Take the plot of Star Wars, for example:

  • Situation: In a galaxy far, far away, Darth Vader destroys planets.
  • Task: He must be stopped.
  • Action: Young Luke Skywalker destroys the Death Star.
  • Experience the Power of Effective Results: Peace and prosperity have been restored!

Mastering the art of storytelling can take a lifetime. But you can use ChatGPT to practice creating and refining your STAR responses.

How to Get Started with AI

First, generate a list of the most likely interview questions. For example: “What are the 10 most likely questions for this job description: [insert job description]?”

With tools like ChatGPT, you can not only structure your answers, but also look professional and confident during the most important stage of your job search.

Take any of the behavioral questions and ask ChatGPT to generate a sample response. For example, use a query like: "Generate a STAR response to question #X based on my resume: [insert resume]".

The goal here is not to memorize and mechanically reproduce the exact answer that ChatGPT will provide. The main thing is to improve your ability to give complete, concise, and powerful answers using the STAR method.

Be sure to review the response you create for accuracy, as AI tools sometimes make mistakes. Be sure to compare styles so you sound like yourself and not a robot.

Remember that you have many stories and examples that may not be listed on your resume. You know better than AI which details are most relevant and can analyze your experience more accurately.

Training with AI to demonstrate goodwill

Interviewers want to work with people who appear friendly: making eye contact, smiling, speaking with the right intonation, and using other prosocial gestures and expressions. However, many of us miss these key behaviors in the tense environment of an interview.

The main reason is probably that humans are bad at multitasking. When we have to listen, think, and talk at the same time, we inevitably forget important things.

To overcome this, it’s worth learning from professional athletes. They face similar challenges when they try to simultaneously assess their opponent, execute their plan, and improvise. In such conditions, they don’t have the resources to think about how to throw the ball correctly, so they automate such skills in advance through training.

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You can do a lot of interview practice — even without a team of coaches and trainers. I recommend using LinkedIn’s free AI-powered interview prep tool. Here’s how:

  1. Select the questions you want to work on. There are both general ones, like the famous “Tell me about yourself,” and specific ones, like “How do you explain complex concepts as a data analyst?”
  2. When answering the question, write yourself down. Professional athletes often use recordings of their actions as a teaching tool.
  3. Get automatic feedback. LinkedIn's AI provides recommendations on aspects like your speech speed and pitch variability.

With repeated practice and feedback on what needs to be improved, the skills that create a friendly impression can become second nature. They will come to the forefront when needed, and you can focus on having the right conversations with your future boss or colleague.

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