The secret of success from the Ukrainians in New York: a business on communal services - ForumDaily
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The secret of success from Ukrainians in New York: business in 'communal apartments'

Ukrainians in New York place Americans and city guests in houses with a common kitchen and build on this successful business.

Photo: video frame

Owning your own home is how many people imagine the American dream. But more and more young Americans and people from other countries around the world are in no hurry to buy a house or even rent an apartment. They choose Coliving.

Taisia ​​Sentus, a sculptor from Brazil, flew to New York to pursue her dream. Here she found new partners, interesting projects and a family.

“I came here alone, but now I have friends,” says Sentus. “We do different projects with these people, it’s like a family.” We're not just talking about business. If you're having a bad day and you come home and you don't have anyone to talk to, especially here in New York, it can feel very lonely even though there are so many people around."

Taisiya settled in one of the eight houses of the Outpost Club company in Brooklyn. Co-owner of the company, Sergei Starostin, says that Taisiya their typical client is people from 25 to 40 years old, changing jobs or careers, moving to a new city or country where they settle temporarily.

“We have people who came here to learn programming. They are 40 years old and don't know anyone in New York, but there are good programming courses here. This is also our client,” says the co-owner of the company.

The term of the housing contract is from a month to a year. The main thing, according to Starostin, is that this experience provides something that is so little in the world now - simple human communication.

Photo: video frame

“We are now in a society where people are super united on social networks, where you can have thousands of followers, but there is no one to go out and talk to in the evening,” says Starostin.

Life in co-living is not limited to just living and communicating. For example, residents of one of the company's houses play basketball on weekends, do yoga on Wednesdays, have a picnic or go to a museum once a month. This has already become a tradition.

Every home with a taxi has a home leader. He informs about the rules of living, explains why it is so important to help each other, communicate. He also organizes social events for the home. For example, there will soon be kebabs.

Photo: video frame

How do people not get tired of each other?

It turns out that the topic of relations in the company have a serious approach.

“We have partners who screen candidates for residence. We have our own check of social networks. We focus on people who take an active social position,” says the co-owner of the company.

In addition, to solve the eternal problem of washing the kitchen, a cleaning company cleans the kitchen twice a week.

Photo: video frame

If the conflict between residents does not subside, the leader of the house helps resolve it. The last resort is to move to another company house.

Sergey Starostin and his partners founded the company a year and a half ago. Started company with equity. To do this, the co-founders sold large retail chains in Ukraine.

Sergey says that he was very surprised at how easy it was to start a business in the USA. The next surprise was how successful their model of living was, since it meets the requirements of the modern world.

The company plans to expand its business and open a coal in other big cities, as well as make houses for different age groups.

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