The Strangest Foreign Objects US Doctors Have Removed From Patients' Bodies - ForumDaily
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The Strangest Foreign Objects US Doctors Have Removed From Patients' Bodies

Magnets, chargers, lollipops, orange peels - these are just a few of the items that doctors have had to extract from the human body, reports FoxNews.

Photo: IStock

Foreign objects lodged in people's bodies are the ninth leading cause of unintentional injury, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Nearly 2021 adults visited emergency departments in the United States in 278.

"Foreign objects stuck in strange places rank ninth, considering that more than half of them are sex toys," said Dr. Mark Siegel, a clinical professor of medicine at New York University's Integrated Hospital Complex.

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“In addition, people often insert objects into themselves absentmindedly, especially into their nose, ears and mouth, and this can lead to serious injuries,” he said.

Siegel said he once treated a 10-year-old patient who had a blocked nasal passage that was causing the child great pain.

"It took me a while to realize that the little patient had stuck a battery in there," he said. "Luckily, there was no leakage and we were able to pull it out."

Objects and holes

In December 2022, a blogger on the Defector website listed foreign objects found in the CPSC database, categorized by hole.

Items caught in people's ears included cufflinks, wet wipes, a plastic sword, an insect, a rock, a lollipop, a charger, an ice cream cone, a pushpin, a pencil eraser and part of the Battleship game.

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Liquids found in the ear included shoe glue (added instead of ear drops), lighter fluid, candle wax and hydrogen peroxide.

Foreign objects that have somehow entered the nose have included: gum wrappers, a used match, magnets, rice, candy hearts, yarn, jewelry, gummy worms, orange peels, an LED light bulb, flowers, cheese, popcorn kernels, and glue.

The swallowed foreign objects also surprised the victims, including a steak knife, a small flashlight, a glue stick, pet toys, coins, office supplies, cigarettes, aluminum foil, hair clips, keys and darts.

Additionally, men and women visited emergency departments after inserting foreign objects into their genitals.

For men, these included sex toys, beads, paper clips, coins, car keys, a pencil, a nail, a ceiling fan chain, a mobile phone charger and a wooden spoon.

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For women, these items included coins, a screw, a pen, a flashlight, a cup, a golf ball, a bottle of nail polish, and even a spatula.

Some of the objects placed in the rectum included sex toys, spoons, magnets, bottles, crayons, wrenches, figurines, a vegetable peeler, candles, a fishing rod and even an ice cream cone.

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